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International Entertainment News

Thursday, November 01, 2007

NOVA Criticized for Violating Journalistic Standards in Sham Docudrama of Intelligent Design

NOVA Criticized for Violating Journalistic Standards in Sham Docudrama of Intelligent Design

PBS reveals biased, Anti-ID agenda in Nov. 13 special

"PBS and NOVA's program on the Dover intelligent design trial is plainly biased in its portrayal of intelligent design and obviously outside journalistic standards of fairness and accuracy," says Discovery Institute senior fellow John West. "The producer admitted they tackled this story because if the Dover trial ruling had been different it would have had 'dire consequences for science education in this country,' so clearly they were never approaching this in anything resembling a fair manner."

Discovery Institute is hosting a press teleconference call on Wednesday, Nov. 7th at 1pm EST to challenge the one-sided anti-intelligent design agenda behind NOVA's Judgment Day: intelligent design on trial docudrama airing November 13th. To participate in the call contact Anika Smith at Discovery Institute, (206) 292-0401 x155,

The NOVA docudrama purports to tell the true story of the 2005 Dover intelligent design trial in which Judge John Jones offered a wide-ranging opinion denouncing intelligent design and praising Darwinian evolution.

According to West this latest agenda driven program comes as no surprise. In 2001, Discovery Institute made public a leaked PBS memo that clearly showed their anti-ID Evolution miniseries was politically motivated and aimed at changing science education policy.

"PBS and NOVA should be ashamed of claiming to be fair in how they treat intelligent design," adds West. "If you're going to be biased at least be up front about your agenda in your programming."

Discovery Institute is the nation's leading think tank researching intelligent design and dealing with scientific challenges to Darwinian evolution. It believes that evolution should be fully and completely presented to students, and they should learn more about evolutionary theory, including its unresolved issues.

CONTACT: Anika Smith of Discovery Institute, +1-206-292-0401 x155,

/PRNewswire-USNewswire -- Oct. 31/

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