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International Entertainment News

Sunday, November 11, 2007

NEWSWEEK: Media Lead Sheet/November 19, 2007 Issue (on newsstands Monday, November 12)

NEWSWEEK: Media Lead Sheet/November 19, 2007 Issue (on newsstands Monday, November 12)

COVER: "1968: The Year That Made Us Who We Are" (p. 42). "There was at the end of 1968 an event that remains an inspirational symbol for the challenges ahead. For the Sixties were also the glory years of the American space program, and of astronauts such as Captain Jim Lovell," writes former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw, in his forthcoming book, "BOOM! Voices of the Sixties," excerpted in the cover package in which Newsweek looks back at one of the defining years of the 1960s -- 1968 -- a turbulent period in American history. Senior Writer and Political Correspondent Jonathan Darman writes that the 1968 election is four decades old, and yet we're still rehashing that moment-that era-in the 2008 contest. Barack Obama was born in the 1960s, but is not of them. Such is the constant promise -- I am not the '60s -- of his presidential campaign-heartfelt, but ultimately hard to believe. Just look at the gray- haired '60s idealists inside the senator's own brain trust who see him as the fulfillment of 40 years' worth of hard work. John McCain is also the '60s. McCain knows what Obama should have learned by now: the '60s are impossible to escape. They will define the 2008 presidential election, just as they have defined American politics, and American culture, for the past 40 years.   (Photo: )   

"The Worst Week" (p. 44). Editor-at-Large Evan Thomas writes that in a year of tumult, one five-day span in early spring '68 was disorder distilled culminating in the assassination of King. Lyndon Johnson's presidency was collapsing. Robert Kennedy had openly announced his intention to reclaim the throne in the memory of his brother. Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights leader, was on his way back to Memphis to rally striking sanitation workers. On April 4th he was assassinated.

ELLIS COSE: "Why I Write" (p. 49). Contributing Editor Ellis Cose recounts the personal impetus " ... that shook my world, upended my life and turned me into a writer," from the July 1966 Chicago Riots to the April 1968 assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "After the riot, I pondered why it was that my city, my world, was so divided by color. And why was it that the distance between those two worlds seemed so difficult to bridge?" he writes. "After the riots of April, my interest in journalism grew. The more I read the more convinced I became that I had something to contribute."

"Faces of A Fiery Year" (p. 50). Congressman John Lewis, Ethel Kennedy, Robert McNamara, Walter Cronkite, the crew of Apollo 8 and others who spoke out -- and stood out -- in the monumental events of 1968, are included in a photo essay by photographer Nigel Parry.

"It's Ms. America To You" (p. 58). Senior Editor Barbara Kantrowitz explores one of the most iconic moments in the feminist movement, when women dumped symbols of female oppression-girdles, steno pads, and stilettos-into a "freedom trash can." Bras went in, too, but none were burned, in the midst of the infamous and symbolic protest in 1968 staged outside the Miss America pageant. Kantrowitz talks with the lead protester and Judith Ford, who was crowned Miss America '68.

SHARON BEGLEY: "What the Beatles Gave Science" (p. 59). Science Columnist Sharon Begley writes about the spring of 1968 when the Beatles traveled to the Maharishi's ashram in northern India to mediate. "The high-profile visit still echoes 40 years later-in, of all places, science, for the trip popularized the notion that the spiritual East has something to teach the rational West," she writes.

"Tuned In, Turned On" (p. 60). Senior Editor David Gates writes that although the times they were a-changin', in the arts, only music kept pace. Despite all the potentially rich tension and upheaval, 1968 didn't produce much fiction, film or art worth remembering. But popular music, in energetic transition from old to new-and new to old-left its mark.

"A Century of Destiny" (p. 61). Senior Editor Jerry Adler writes that 1968 wasn't the only year that changed everything in America. Other years, like 1908 -- America's year of destiny -- were equally significant and are jostling for starring roles in history. "Like other narrative forms, history must have its stars and supporting players. Some years need no introduction, like 1492 or 1776. ... Some years demand a little more effort from the historian to justify a place in the spotlight."

EXCERPT: "The Earth Behind A Man's Thumb" (p. 62). Newsweek features an excerpt of Tom Brokaw's forthcoming book 'BOOM! Voices of the Sixties.' Brokaw writes that, "Apollo 8 would fly to the moon, orbit around the dark side, and return to Earth in the last week of December 1968 ... the training for the momentous flight went on feverishly all during 1968."

POLITICS: "So Happy Together" (p. 31). Investigative Correspondent Mark Hosenball reports that the Clintons' billionaire archenemy, best known as the man behind a "vast right-wing conspiracy" that Hillary Clinton said was out to destroy her and her husband, Richard Mellon Scaife, is recently eager to endear himself to the former president. While Scaife isn't ready to sign on to Hillary's campaign-he's still a Republican. But Scaife's lawyer, Yale Gutnick, says Bill Clinton and Richard Mellon Scaife are now members of a "mutual admiration society."

CRIME: "Arthur Bremmer Is Alone" (p. 32). Miami Bureau Chief Arian Campo- Flores and Correspondent Catharine Skipp report that Arthur Bremmer's release from prison-where he behaved well enough to shave 17.5 years off his 53-year sentence for the attempted assassination of Alabama Gov. George Wallace-raises unique concerns. Whether he retains any homicidal tendencies 35 years after his crime remains a mystery, especially since he refused any mental health evaluation or treatment during his confinement.

POLITICS: "The Kingmaker's New Subject" (p. 33). Within the cultural force of evangelicalism, there are three approaches to politics, represented by three personalities. They are the prophet -- James Dobson, the priest -- Rev. Billy Graham, and the kingmaker -- Pat Robertson, Michael Gerson writes. "Robertson's public endorsement of Giuliani last week surprised many. It should not have. His predisposition has always been to influence Republican politics from the inside. ... But Robertson's endorsement of a pro-choice candidate has exposed deep political fault lines within religious conservatism."

PROJECT GREEN: "'It's All About Energy, Stupid!'" (p. 34). San Francisco Bureau Chief Karen Breslau reports that the presidential candidates, it seems, have figured out what venture capitalists and entrepreneurs have known for years: green is Topic A. This year's campaign buzzword is "energy independence." Along with health-care plans and strategies for Iraq, the candidates are churning out detailed proposals to slow climate change and wean the country from imported oil.

"Toyota's Green Problem" (p. 38). Midwest Bureau Chief Keith Naughton reports that the environmental community has turned on Toyota, riding high not long ago as the auto world's green leader, for siding with Detroit in opposition to tougher new gas mileage laws. The fuel economy debate has taken the automaker from paragon to pariah quickly in environmentalists' eyes.

TIP SHEET-TO YOUR HEALTH: "Logging On To Those Extra Pounds" (p. 68). Correspondent Joan Raymond reports that from websites like to well- known players like, web-based weight loss programs are a booming part of the $30 billion U.S. weight loss industry. to-lose-those-extra-pounds.aspx (Due to length of URL, please cut and paste into browser)

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