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International Entertainment News

Monday, August 06, 2007

Time Warner Cable Offers Reward in Connection With Fiber Optic Cable Vandalism

Time Warner Cable Offers Reward in Connection With Fiber Optic Cable Vandalism

Phone, Internet and television customers in North Texas affected by damage

IRVING, Texas, Aug. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Damage to fiber optic cable lines in Dallas by suspected copper thieves has prompted Time Warner Cable to take aggressive action on behalf of its customers.

A $10,000.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person, or persons, responsible for vandalizing the company's equipment on June 19th and July 24th located at the 1-35 underpass near the Trinity River was announced today by Robert V. Moel, President of Time Warner Cable's North Texas Division. The damaged fiber was located in conduit attached to the underside of both underpasses.

Company officials say the most recent case of fiber damage resulted in over 16,000 customers losing temporary access to phone, Internet and television. Previous damage suffered by the company resulted in the loss of service to over 45,000 subscribers and thousands of dollars in damaged equipment.

Metal theft is a recent criminal trend where thieves seek out buildings or utility services to steal copper or aluminum wire, to be sold afterward as scrap metal. The conduit protecting Time Warner Cable's fiber lines was likely targeted because its appearance is similar to that of electrical conduit. The result however is the same; customers lose service until company restoration crews repair the damage.

Time Warner is stepping up its efforts to eliminate the problem by offering a $10,000.00 reward in connection with the June and July incidents. "When our Digital Phone customers lose access to 911 and other critical services, as a result of these criminal actions we're going to do everything in our power to fight back and prevent it from happening again," Moel said. "We've made a commitment to our customers to provide them with reliable, always-on telephone, Internet and video services. We're posting this reward to prevent further disruptions of critical service," Moel added.

For anyone with information regarding these incidents, Time Warner Cable has announced a special email and telephone number; 1-888-824-8041 or (Information on terms and conditions of the reward offer attached.)

About Time Warner Cable North Texas

Time Warner Cable brings the best in technology, innovation and entertainment to the North Texas community. With Digital Home Phone, Internet and television, Time Warner Cable North Texas now offers more digital and bundling options for its customers. Plus, Time Warner Cable delivers full-time, local customer service and technical support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information, visit or call 972-PICK TWC (972-742-5892).


Time Warner Cable offers to pay to one or more persons who provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of an individual(s) who is vandalizing TWC fiber lines and/or cable plant, a cash reward of up to $10,000 under the following conditions. The rules and conditions related to this reward offer may be amended from time to time, and all such amendments will be posted on TWC's website. All persons seeking to participate in the reward program agree to frequently check this web site for such changes, and to be bound by them from the date they are first posted.

"Arrest" means that an individual associated with the plant vandalism is apprehended and taken into custody, either voluntarily or involuntarily, by officials of the United States, regardless of whether or not he/she is subsequently released.

"Cash reward" means that cash, a check, or a similar negotiable instrument will be presented to the person entitled to the reward within 180 days of the individual(s) arrest. The recipient must pay all applicable taxes. "Up to $10,000" means that the cash reward of $10,000 in US currency will be divided among the unrelated persons providing the information described herein leading directly to the arrest. To help decide if information submitted by a particular person in fact helped lead to the arrest, our legal department will make the determination based upon any information provided by prosecuting authorities, media accounts, transcripts, and other information. If, in the judgment of our legal department, information from two or more sources helps lead to the arrest as provided above, or if substantially similar information is received from two or more sources, the reward shall be divided between the sources in a manner determined by us in our sole discretion to be fair and equitable.

"Information" qualifying for the reward includes documents, video or audio tape recordings, data of whatever kind, and individual verbal statements (including testimony) of a person having knowledge of relevant facts. Any letters, documents, or other information submitted in response to this reward should include the full name, address, and phone number of the person submitting the information.

We reserve the right in our sole discretion to choose not to submit any information we receive to prosecutorial authorities. We do not urge, encourage, or condone any violation of the law in connection with this reward offer or otherwise, and reserve the right to share any information we receive with lawyers for bringing legal actions directed against the individual through the appropriate federal, state, or local agencies. All materials submitted become our property. Persons submitting information for this reward are expected to cooperate with us and with appropriate authorities. Failure to do so will invalidate eligibility for the reward. In order to collect the reward, any person providing information should contact and identify themselves to 1-888-824-8041 or

Source: Time Warner Cable North Texas

CONTACT: Gary Underwood of Time Warner Cable, +1-972-830-3822,

Web site:

Profile: International Entertainment


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