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Saturday, January 24, 2009

House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH-08) Delivers Weekly Republican Address

House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH-08) Delivers Weekly Republican Address

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH-08) delivers the weekly Republican address. Below is a link to the audio file, You Tube link to the video, and text of the address. Please note that the You Tube link will go live once the embargo is lifted.

   (Logo:    NOTE: The address is embargoed until 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.    Click here to download the mp3 audio.    Click here to watch the video.    Transcript:   

"I'm House Republican Leader John Boehner from Ohio. This week, I had the honor of joining other Members of the Congressional leadership in escorting President Obama to the Capitol for his inauguration as our 44th commander-in-chief. This event reminded us of the greatness of our democracy -- a peaceful transition of presidential power in the most powerful nation on Earth.

"It was also a reminder of the considerable challenges facing our nation -- including our ailing economy. The President has encouraged both parties to join him in crafting an economic recovery plan, and congressional Republicans -- led by Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor -- have answered his call. This week, we presented President Obama with our ideas to jumpstart the economy through fast-acting tax relief -- not slow-moving government spending programs. We let families, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the self-employed keep more of what they earn to encourage investment and create millions of new private-sector jobs.

"Our plan provides relief for every single American taxpayer, cutting the lowest income tax rates. That's up to an extra 3,200 dollars per family every year -- money that can be saved, spent, or invested in any way you see fit. Our plan provides a tax credit for home purchases to help bring the housing market back to life. It ends the unfair taxation of unemployment benefits, allowing those seeking work to focus on finding a job, not giving part of their check back to Uncle Sam. And it includes incentives to encourage small businesses to invest more in new equipment and, more importantly, hire new employees. Giving entrepreneurs a chance to expand their businesses will create good-paying jobs and accelerate our recovery.

"Our plan is rooted in the philosophy that we cannot borrow and spend our way back to prosperity. Unfortunately, the trillion dollar spending plan authored by congressional Democrats is chock-full of government programs and projects -- most of which won't provide immediate relief to our ailing economy, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. There's six billion dollars for colleges and universities, many of which have multi-billion dollar endowments; 600 million dollars for the federal government to buy new cars; 650 million dollars for digital television coupons; and 50 million dollars for the National Endowment for the Arts.

"Their plan also provides government-funded paychecks -- disguised as tax cuts -- for those who don't pay income taxes. All told, the plan would spend a whopping 275,000 dollars in taxpayer dollars for every new job it aims to create, saddling each and every household with 6,700 dollars in additional debt - paid for by our children and grandchildren.

"Someone has to look out for the taxpayer in this process, and Republicans are going to do just that. We're committed to working with President Obama in search of swift, bipartisan action that creates jobs, not another Washington program that overpromises and under-delivers. Thank you for listening."

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.

Authorized by John Boehner

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Source: Republican National Committee

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