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International Entertainment News

Monday, August 13, 2007

TiVo Announces Results of Its Stop||Watch(TM) Commercial Rankings for June

TiVo Announces Results of Its Stop||Watch(TM) Commercial Rankings for June

- Top 10 Commercials Aired During Season Finale of House, June's Highest Ranked Episode -

- Commercial Ratings Varied Substantially Despite Airing During the Same Episode -

ALVISO, Calif., Aug. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- TiVo Inc. (NASDAQ:TIVO) , the creator of and a leader in advertising solutions and television services for digital video recorders (DVRs), today announced its Top Commercial Rankings for June, as viewed by TiVo subscribers.

Categories tracked using TiVo's Stop||Watch(TM) ratings service include Top Total Viewing Commercials compared with Total Viewing of Top Programs; Timeshifted Commercials compared with Timeshifted Programs; and Least Fast-forwarded Brand Campaigns.

   Following is the June data:       June -- Top Commercials v. Top Program Episodes (Total Viewing)    Top Commercials - Total Viewing    Brand                                  Program          Date      Rating   1.  Wendy's Restaurant                  House          29-May      12.1   2.  Bank of America Consumer Services   House          29-May      12.0   3.  AT&T Wireless Service               House          29-May      12.0   4.  Warner Bros Oceans Thirteen Movie   House          29-May      11.6   5.  Diet Coke Soft Drink                House          29-May      10.4   6.  MetLife Var Insurance               House          29-May      10.2   7.  Apple iPod MP3 Player               House          29-May      10.1   8.  Buena Vista Ratatouille Movie       House          29-May      10.1   9.  St. Ives Swiss Frml Apricot Scrub   House          29-May       9.9   10. MGM Mr. Brooks Movie                House          29-May       9.4    Top Program Episodes - Total Viewing    Program                                           Date       Rating   1.  House                                        29-May       17.7   2.  Boston Legal                                 29-May       11.1   3.  Dateline NBC                                 18-June      10.5   4.  So You Think You Can Dance                   13-June      10.1   5.  So You Think You Can Dance                   6-June        9.8   6.  So You Think You Can Dance                   7-June        9.4   7.  So You Think You Can Dance                   30-May        9.4   8.  So You Think You Can Dance                   20-June       9.3   9.  So You Think You Can Dance                   31-May        9.3   10. So You Think You Can Dance                   5-June        8.8     -- June was dominated by two season finales, House and Boston Legal, in      late-May (classified as the June broadcast month), followed by      Dateline's interview with Prince William and Prince Harry -- all other      programming was either re-runs or summer fare.   -- Since the finale of House had a bigger audience than any other program,      the Top 10 commercials all appeared during this episode (unlike April      and May, where the Top 10 spots were distributed across numerous      programs).   -- Wendy's Restaurant and AT&T Wireless have each made the Top 10 list two      out of three months.   -- While a majority of the Top Commercials on June's list aired in the      first or last pod position, it is worth noting that there was a wide      variance in their viewership.     June -- Top Commercials v. Top Program Episodes (Timeshifted Viewing)    Top-Commercials - Timeshifted Viewing    Brand                                  Program         Date       Rating   1.  AT&T Wireless Service               House         29-May        7.3   2.  Wendy's Restaurant                  House         29-May        7.0   3.  Bank of America Consumer Services   House         29-May        6.8   4.  Warner Bros Oceans Thirteen Movie   House         29-May        6.6   5.  Diet Coke Soft Drink                House         29-May        5.8   6.  Buena Vista Ratatouille Movie       House         29-May        5.5   7.  St Ives Swiss Frml Apricot Scrub    House         29-May        5.3   8.  Apple iPod MP3 Player               House         29-May        4.9   9.  MetLife Var Insurance               House         29-May        4.7   10. MGM Mr. Brooks Movie                House         29-May        4.3    Top Program Episodes - Timeshifted Viewing    Program                                                Date       Rating   1.  House                                             29-May       12.5   2.  Boston Legal                                      29-May        7.1   3.  So You Think You Can Dance                        13-June       6.4   4.  So You Think You Can Dance                        20-June       6.1   5.  So You Think You Can Dance                        6-June        5.9   6.  So You Think You Can Dance                        31-May        5.8   7.  So You Think You Can Dance                        7-June        5.8   8.  So You Think You Can Dance                        30-May        5.6   9.  Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip                     21-June       5.5   10. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip                     7-June        5.2     -- The list of Top 10 Timeshifted commercials was identical to the list of      Top 10 Total commercials, although the order differed.   -- AT&T Wireless is the only brand to make the Top 10 Timeshifted list two      months in a row.   -- The proportion of Timeshifted viewing to Total viewing is quite high      for the Top 10 program episodes.  For example, the top show on both      lists, the June 29 episode of House, had a Total rating of 17.7 and a      Timeshifted rating of 12.4, indicating that approximately 70% of the      viewership was on a Timeshifted basis.   -- All of the programs that made both lists had greater than 59% of      viewing on Timeshifted basis.   -- The June 13 episode of Dateline, #3 in Total Viewership, did not make      the top Timeshifted list, which is consistent with generally low      amounts of Timeshifted viewing for news-oriented programming.                  June -- Least Fast-Forwarded Brand Campaigns     Least Fast-Forwarded Brand Campaigns*   All Measured Networks - Daytime & Primetime**    Brand   1.   CORT Furniture Rentals   2.   Dominican Republic Tourism   3.   Hooter's Restaurant   4.   IDT Long Distance INTL Residential   5.   Tax Masters Tax Service Con Svc   6.   Skyteam Airline Network   7.   Invest in Georgia Org   8.   Active on Arthritis Pain Relief Rub   9.   Partnership/Prescription AST   10.  Audemars Piguet Watches    Broadcast Networks - Primetime    Brand   1.   Bowflex Exercise Equipment DR   2.   OnStar Vehicle Monitoring Sys   3.   Hyundai Autos Sonata Leasing   4.   Warner Bros Harry Potter/Order/PHNX   5.   Lunesta Sleep RX   6.   Plavix Blood Thinner RX   7.   Valspar Paint   8.   Klondike Ice Cream Bars   9.   Zantac 150 Maximum STR HRTBRN/TAB   10.  Chevrolet Trucks Silverado    *  Highest ratio of commercial rating to program rating; min # of 20 spots   ** Stop||Watch currently monitors 15 networks: ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CW,      TNT, TBS, USA, CNN, ESPN, DISC, NIK, MTV, COM, HGTV   

A few brands have distinguished themselves by making the "Least Fast-Forwarded" list (all measured networks, daytime & primetime) on multiple occasions: Dominican Republic tourism placed in the Top 5 for both May and June Tax Masters placed in the Top 10 for both May and June, and OnStar made the Top 10 two out of three months (April and June).

   -- In May, three films made the Primetime Top 10, whereas in June Harry      Potter was the only movie on the list.   -- Recall in April, several direct response ads made the Top 10 least      fast-forwarded list (all measured networks, daytime & primetime), but      this was not repeated in May.  In June, a direct response ad appeared      for the first time in the Top 10 list for Primetime on Broadcast nets,      with Bowflex debuting in the #1 position.   -- Pod position did not play a role in whether or not a brand campaign      made June's Least Fast-Forwarded list - all campaigns had a normal      distribution of pod position rotation.   

"It is important to note that just because all of the top commercials in June aired during the same show, doesn't mean they all had the same rating," said Todd Juenger, Vice President & General Manager, TiVo Audience Research & Measurement. "For example, an advertiser who uses the average rating (9.8% total, 4.7% Timeshifted) as a measure of viewership for their spot could be dramatically over- or under-estimating their true viewership." Juenger noted that for Timeshifted viewing, the average commercial across the entire show had an audience of 4.7%, but when broken down into 5 pods, or, further, into individual spot shows the ratings ranged from 3.6% to 7.2% and 3.2% to 7.3%, respectively.

Following is the range of ratings for commercials within the May 29 episode of House:

                                        Total             Timeshifted      Program                           17.7                  12.4      Commercial                         9.8                   4.7       Commercial Ratings by Pod         Total             Timeshifted      Pod 1                              9.1                   3.6      Pod 2                              9.6                   4.5      Pod 3                              9.8                   4.6      Pod 4                              9.1                   4.1      Pod 5                             11.9                   7.2     -- Commercial Ratings - Total Viewing:      Highest: Wendy's Restaurant, 12.1      Lowest: Gatorade RTS Beverage, 8.4      Difference: 44%    -- Commercial Ratings - Timeshifted Viewing:      Highest: AT&T Wireless Service, 7.3      Lowest: Tresseme Thermal Hair Cartons, 3.2      Difference: 128%   

"The results speak for themselves -- even within one program episode, viewers are using their remotes to vote for their favorite ads," said Juenger.

Last month, TiVo unveiled the industry's first Top Commercial Rankings reports which were generated using TiVo's Stop||Watch service's unique ability to track consumer viewing behavior on a second-by-second basis, in both Live and Timeshifted viewing context.

The Stop||Watch ratings service, introduced in February 2007, is offered via an easily sortable database of ratings for nationally run programs and advertisements in primetime and daytime, with data going back to September 2006. Each month the Stop||Watch ratings service will issue the standard "Top" lists as well as special analyses of interest, (e.g. top lists by program genre, network, or product category). Subscribers to the Stop||Watch ratings service include Starcom USA, the Interpublic Group of Companies, Media IQ, and MPMA.

TiVo Stop||Watch ratings service data is derived from a daily, aggregate, anonymous, stratified random sample of 20,000 TiVo units -- from which the second-by-second "clickstream" of behavior and viewership is collected and assessed. The Stop||Watch service includes data for: Total Viewing, Live Viewing, Timeshifted Viewing (less than 1 hour, 1-6 hours, 6-24 hours, 24-48 hours, 2-7 day, and 7-14 day delay), Program Ratings, Commercial Ratings and a Commercial Viewership Index. The Stop||Watch service uses ad occurrence data from TNS Media Intelligence to identify commercial spots. For more information on the TiVo Stop||Watch ratings service, visit

About TiVo Inc.

Founded in 1997, TiVo (NASDAQ:TIVO) pioneered a brand new category of products with the development of the first commercially available digital video recorder (DVR). Sold through leading consumer electronic retailers, TiVo has developed a brand which resonates boldly with consumers as providing a superior television experience. Through agreements with leading satellite and cable providers, TiVo also integrates its DVR service features into the set- top boxes of mass distributors. TiVo's DVR functionality and ease of use, with such features as Season Pass(TM) recordings, WishList(R) searches, and TiVo(R) KidZone, have elevated its popularity among consumers and have created a whole new way for viewers to watch television. With a continued investment in its patented technologies, TiVo is revolutionizing the way consumers watch and access home entertainment. Rapidly becoming the focal point of the digital living room, TiVo's DVR is at the center of experiencing new forms of content on the TV, such as broadband delivered video, music and photos. With innovative features, such as TiVoToGo(TM) transfers and online scheduling, TiVo is expanding the notion of consumers experiencing "TiVo, TV your way.(R)" The TiVo(R) service is also at the forefront of providing innovative marketing solutions for the television industry, including a unique platform for advertisers and audience measurement research. The company is based in Alviso, Calif.

TiVo, Stop||Watch, Season Pass, WishList, Series2, Series3, TiVoToGo, 'TiVo, TV your way' and the TiVo Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. or its subsidiaries worldwide. (C) 2007 TiVo Inc. All rights reserved.

First Call Analyst:
FCMN Contact:

Source: TiVo Inc.

CONTACT: Whit Clay, +1-212-446-1864,, for TiVo Inc.

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Profile: International Entertainment


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