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International Entertainment News

Monday, August 13, 2007

On The Road to Reform Because It Is More Than Just Money: Support? Documentary at DCRally2007

On The Road to Reform Because It Is More Than Just Money: Support? Documentary at DCRally2007

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- This week, millions of the nation's parents will be attending DCRally2007 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC for Family Preservation Day (August 18). On this day, DCRally2007 commemorates the 44th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement and will address the states failure to recognize and uphold the fundamental rights of the nation's people concerning family; the backbone of America.

Among the many advocates for shared parenting, filmmaker and producer of the documentary film, Support?, Angelo Lobo will be in attendance to offer a sneak preview of the documentary to the press revealing the truths behind the divorce and child support industry, paternity fraud, parent alienation, and custody battles in our nation's military that go unheard. "The completion of the film is timely with the recent events in the news regarding these issues," says Lobo. "People need this film to bring about positive reform. The only way I can see changes being made is through an Act of Congress. This film will show why they need to make them."

One solution that would make many non-custodial parents happy is shared parenting. Though there are cases in which the custodial parent doesn't want the non-custodial parent in the child's life, what happens between the parents in question still affect the child. If the non-custodial parent wants to help provide a secure future for the child, they should be allowed to. What parent would be satisfied with seeing their child 2 or 3 times a month? What parent would be satisfied with missing out on what would be the best years of their life; watching their child grow up? "They want equal parenting -- not "visitor" status."

Shared parenting is a step forward to reform these problems. Knowing how much to charge a parent for child support with a realistic amount in regard to their single salary income would be another step forward. "Most of these parents being targeted by these highly inappropriate efforts just don't have the amount of money they are being forced to pay. At times, charged as much as 20% interest and late fees in some states and cannot meet these obligations frequently because of layoffs, unemployment, illness, or disability. They are not willfully refusing to pay."

To date, the state of Texas has the highest number of incarcerated parents due to failure to pay child support. "Any public official or politician who boasts about collecting $20 million or $2 billion in child support without letting the public know that the majority of that money was collected from innocent, non-custodial parents and taxpayers who are footing the bill, quite frankly, has not seen the suffering. This movie, Support?, will reveal the truth."

For more information or to book Angelo Lobo for interviews, visit, call toll free (888) 881-3118, or email View the trailers:

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Source: Aginelo Productions

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