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International Entertainment News

Monday, January 09, 2012

Morality in Media Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Broadcast Indecency Standards

Morality in Media Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Broadcast Indecency Standards

Opposes Networks' Desire for More Profanity and Nudity

WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As the U.S. Supreme Court takes up the question of indecency on broadcast television Tues., January 10, 2012, Morality in Media (MIM) is urging the Court to protect children and families from unwanted indecency and pornographic depictions. MIM filed a brief in the case, FCC v. Fox ( in which Fox TV, supported by NBC, CBS and ABC challenged the Federal Communications Commission's authority to regulate indecency on network television (not cable TV).

"Fox, NBC, CBS and ABC do not have a right to turn network television into a cesspool at the expense of children and those who wish to avoid the foul language and pornography that is now so common on cable television," said Patrick A. Trueman, Morality in Media President.

"The public airwaves belong to the public, not to the networks. To obtain their broadcast licenses the networks have pledged to broadcast, 'in the public interest,'" Trueman noted.

FCC v. Fox deals with three incidences of indecency on broadcast TV: the use of the "F-word by singer-actress Cher; the use of both the "F-word" and the "S-word" by actress Nicole Ritchie; and an incident of female nudity from ABC's drama NYPD Blue.

"We have a right to be free from such indecency and vulgarity in our own homes, if we so choose," Trueman said.

General Counsel Robert Peters argues in the MIM filed brief that, "the problem is not that the TV networks can no longer discern community standards. They long ago stopped caring about these standards. They push the envelope and then complain they don't know whether the FCC will deem this or that violation of community standards actionable."

"Many Americans make a choice whether to watch broadcast TV or cable TV based on the nature of the expected material. Countless families forgo cable TV to avoid indecent material. That right should not be taken from them," Trueman said.

About Morality in Media
Founded in 1962, Morality in Media, Inc. is the leading organization focused on opposing pornography and indecency through public education and the application of the law. MIM is leading The War on Illegal Pornography, a coalition of more than 100 groups whose goal is to stop the distribution of illegal pornography. For more information visit,, and

Lesley Bateman

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