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International Entertainment News

Friday, January 06, 2012

"DISNEY'S DARK SIDE": New TV Ad Exposes Disney's Hypocrisy on Gaming, Doubletalk on Family Values

"DISNEY'S DARK SIDE": New TV Ad Exposes Disney's Hypocrisy on Gaming, Doubletalk on Family Values

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Institute for Liberty (IFL), a Washington-based advocacy organization, today launched "Disney's Dark Side," a television advertisement highlighting the company's hypocrisy in opposing legislation currently under consideration in the state legislature that would allow for the construction of destination resorts in South Florida while bringing important reforms to Florida gaming laws.

"Disney has taken the public position of being morally opposed to gaming, while quietly profiting from the licensing of cartoon characters to online casinos," said Andrew Langer, president of The Institute for Liberty. "Disney's opposition to the construction of new, job-creating destination resorts has nothing to do with protecting Florida's family-friendly image, and everything to do with protecting its own bottom line and stomping out any potential competition. That goes against the basic principles of free markets."

Langer continued, "Disney recently laid off 1,400 Florida workers, but is earning billions in profits. Now it's spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby against job-creating private investments, at a time when nearly one million Floridians are out of work."

"Disney's Dark Side" Script:

Why is Disney opposed to a $6 billion investment to help jumpstart Florida's economy?

They say they're protecting Florida's family-friendly image.

The truth? Disney's so-called family-friendly image includes profiting from licensing comic book characters to online casinos.

And while Disney's shareholders rake in the profits, they've cut 1,400 Florida jobs.

Disney isn't protecting Florida. They're protecting their bottom line.

Let's jumpstart Florida's economy creating tens of thousands of jobs by allowing destination resorts.

The Institute for Liberty is a non-profit policy organization, involved in grassroots activism. It focuses on small business, entrepreneurship, and federal public policy. You can find out more on the web at and

SOURCE The Institute for Liberty

The Institute for Liberty

CONTACT: Andrew Langer of the Institute for Liberty, +1-202-261-6592,

Web Site:

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