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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Americans for Responsible Health Care Launch Radio Ads Targeting Seven Democrats, Warning 'The People Are Watching...'

Americans for Responsible Health Care Launch Radio Ads Targeting Seven Democrats, Warning 'The People Are Watching...'

Radio Ads Targeting Democrats Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), Baron Hill (D-IN), Dina Titus (D-NV), Zack Space (D-OH), John Spratt (D-SC), Tom Perriello (D-VA) and Nick Rahall (D-WV)

WASHINGTON, March 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Americans for Responsible Health Care (ARHC) launched a seven-state radio ad campaign today calling on Democrat Members of Congress to listen to the American people's opposition to ObamaCare, and to vote against the government takeover of the nation's health care.

The ads -- now running in Arizona, Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia -- point out that Representatives Gabrielle Giffords, Baron Hill, Dina Titus, Zack Space, John Spratt, Tom Perriello and Nick Rahall already voted for ObamaCare once.

The ads go on to warn that if these Members of Congress continue to vote against the will of the people and with the elite liberal establishment in Washington yet again, they will, and they deserve to, lose this November.

Americans for Responsible Health Care Spokesman Jeff Cohen said:

"The majority of the American people oppose ObamaCare. The question is, will these Members of Congress listen to the people or will they continue to side with the elite Washington insiders and their astonishingly liberal plans for the government to takeover and control our healthcare?"

"It's really quite simple -- if these Members of Congress vote against the people again, then the people will undoubtedly return the favor in kind come November."

This seven state radio campaign by Americans for Responsible Health Care follows the organization's successful independent expenditure in January's Massachusetts special election on behalf of Scott Brown (who was elected to the United States Senate), and a seven state print advertising campaign that targeted U.S. Senators Harry Reid, Arlen Specter, Blanche Lincoln, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Barbara Boxer.

Paid for by Americans for Responsible Health Care.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Source: Americans for Responsible Health Care

CONTACT: Jeff Cohen of Americans for Responsible Health Care,

Profile: intent


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