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Monday, February 08, 2010

Korean Radio Broadcasting Donates $210,000 to Assist UNICEF's Haiti Relief Efforts

Korean Radio Broadcasting Donates $210,000 to Assist UNICEF's Haiti Relief Efforts

NEW YORK, Feb. 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Korean Radio Broadcasting, the only Korean language radio station in New York City, has raised $210,000 for UNICEF's relief efforts in Haiti, which it presented to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF today.

The fundraising initiative was launched during a two day long broadcasting campaign called "Hope 2010: To Share the Love." Funds continued to flow in to the station throughout the month of January from more than 1,000 people. Korean Radio Broadcasting has a history of challenging its audience to give to important causes, most notably after 9/11 when it raised $1.26 million.

"We truly appreciate the generous support from Korean Radio Broadcasting, and its listeners," said President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF Caryl Stern. "The road from tragedy to transformation in Haiti is a chance for all communities to help the island nation 'build back better.' The unprecedented commitment, support and funding for Haiti will benefit generations of young Haitians to come."

As part of the fundraising initiative, New York City Comptroller John Liu agreed on January 15th to participate in a luncheon with anyone who donated $1,000 or more. Hoping to meet the Comptroller, Samuel Kim, a sophomore at Northport High School in Long Island, called in to the station with his contribution of $500 that he saved from his tutoring work. A couple, who heard Samuel's call, came forth and offered to match his donation so that he could meet Comptroller Liu.

Additionally, in the hours after the earthquake, Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer organized a sizable benefit, "New Yorkers for Haiti," in conjunction with the Haitian Roundtable at Talay Restaurant in West Harlem to raise funds for UNICEF's relief efforts.

"We have called upon our listeners to come to the aid of the people of Haiti, and they have responded with an outpouring of support," said Young D. Kwon, CEO, Korean Radio Broadcasting. "The actions of people like Samuel Kim exemplify the generosity of New Yorkers to help others, no matter their cultural differences, geographical separation or age."

"The devastation was truly unthinkable, the losses unspeakable. A catastrophe of such proportions transcends geographic divides, and calls for unity toward humanitarian aid and compassion," said Comptroller John Liu. "No matter where in the world the emergency or disaster, New Yorkers have banded together to help with relief efforts in any way possible, bringing forth the common humanity in all of us. "New Yorkers, like Samuel, have once again demonstrated their deep concern and compassion for their fellow citizens of the world."

"Though the devastation in Haiti has made its way off the front page, we cannot allow our resolve to assist in the relief effort to fade," said Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer. "New Yorkers came together as a community to help after this earthquake, and we must continue to do so. I am proud to stand with UNICEF and Korean Radio Network today, as we continue our efforts to make relief efforts in Haiti a priority."

Generous contributions such as the one from Korean Radio Broadcasting have played an essential role in UNICEF's lifesaving efforts. Operating in Haiti since 1949, UNICEF is committed to serving the immediate needs of women and children. UNICEF has deployed critical supplies to Port-au-Prince and the surrounding areas to assist with recovery efforts, including clean water and sanitation, therapeutic foods, medical supplies and temporary shelter. In the coming days and weeks, UNICEF will continue to deliver hygiene kits, essential medicines, water purification tablets, portable toilets, soap, cooking utensils, blankets, School-in-a Box kits, emergency nutrition services, immunization services, telecommunication systems, and more to aid in the relief efforts.

To donate to the ongoing emergency relief efforts in Haiti, please visit or call 1-800-4UNICEF.


UNICEF has saved more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world. Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF's work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.

UNICEF is at the forefront of efforts to reduce child mortality worldwide. There has been substantial progress--the annual number of under-five deaths dropped from 13 million in 1990 to 8.8 million in 2008. But still, 24,000 children die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood. For more information, visit

Source: U.S. Fund for UNICEF

CONTACT: Kini Schoop, U.S. Fund for UNICEF, +1-212-922-2634,

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