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International Entertainment News

Monday, May 11, 2009

Single Payer Health Care Ads on National Television

Single Payer Health Care Ads on National Television

Press Conference Wednesday, May 13, 3-4 pm, Room 2203, Rayburn Office Building

WASHINGTON, May 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- HealthJustice will introduce five television ads featuring Mike Farrell (BJ Hunicutt of M*A*S*H, author and activist) advocating Medicare For All, Everybody In Nobody Out. HealthJustice produced these ads with Mr. Farrell speaking to doctors and nurses about single payer Medicare For All health care.

The five ads are showing on national TV, starting with the ad entitled "Don't Sell Us Short, Mr. President" on Larry King Live and Hardball (first shown 5/2/09.) The ads have continued to play nationwide on BET network, GameShow network, MSN, CNN and others.

This press event will introduce the ads and the people whose personal commitment motivates the advocacy of single payer Medicare For All. Mike Farrell speaks eloquently for human rights with reason and common sense. Margaret Flowers MD put herself on the line when she demanded a seat at the table in Senate Finance Committee hearings. Clark Newhall MD JD founded HealthJustice in January 2009 and pushed hard to produce these ads and air them in less than three months.

The ads are coordinated with a nationwide calling, emailing and faxing campaign to Congress and the White House. As of Friday May 8, the coordinated campaigns have delivered over 25 thousand faxes, 2000 voicemail or live phone messages and countless emails to Congress and the White House, all advocating Medicare For All single payer health care. The fax campaign volume overwhelmed the fax machines in the White House and in the offices of Sen. Baucus and Speaker Pelosi, causing them all to stop receiving temporarily. The calling campaign delivered 500 calls to the White House and Sen. Baucus' office in one morning. The TV advertisements continue to produce an outpouring of nationwide support for single payer Medicare For All.

The campaigns and the TV ads are funded entirely with donations to HealthJustice, typically less than $100 each. Seed money came from Physicians for a National Health Program and from the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care.

   The ads and all HealthJustice campaigns are at     Contact:  Clark Newhall of             +1-801-860-8274     

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CONTACT: Clark Newhall of, +1-801-860-8274, or

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Profile: International Entertainment


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