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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MEDIA ADVISORY: Devout Muslim to Speak Out Against Radical Islam at National Press Club Wednesday

MEDIA ADVISORY: Devout Muslim to Speak Out Against Radical Islam at National Press Club Wednesday

Threat of Radical Islam in America Revealed in New Film by Producers of Acclaimed 'Obsession'

WASHINGTON DC, May 12/PRNewswire/ --

          WHAT:           - Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, Chairman of the             American Islamic Forum for Democracy,             will address the discovery of a Muslim             Brotherhood memo tied to several             US-based Muslim organizations,             including CAIR.             - This memo is the basis of The Clarion             Fund's newest film, The Third Jihad.             - The event will open with a media             briefing by Dr. Jasser and the film's             producers.      WHEN:  (Tomorrow) Wednesday, May 13 - 7:00 PM      WHERE:  The National Press Club             Ballroom             529 14th Street NW             Washington, DC      WHO:    Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, who serves as narrator of The Third Jihad             Raphael Shore, Producer of The Third Jihad and Obsession             Wayne Kopping, Director & Editor of The Third Jihad and Obsession             Peter Connors, Executive Director of The Clarion Fund  

Note to Editors:

It is expected that active demonstrations will be taking place outside the venue during the screening.

On-site media interviews with Dr. Jasser and film producers will be granted.

Press will receive a complimentary DVD of the film.

Contact: Nancy Duncan: +1-917-806-8809;

Source: The Clarion Fund

Contact: Nancy Duncan: +1-917-806-8809;

Profile: International Entertainment


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