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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jamie & Jules Oliver Crowned UK's Favourite Famous Family Beating 'Set-to-Split' Katie & Peter

Jamie & Jules Oliver Crowned UK's Favourite Famous Family Beating 'Set-to-Split' Katie & Peter

LONDON, May 12/PRNewswire/ -- According to a poll from, the UK's favourite parenting club, TV Chef and champion of children's healthy eating, Jamie Oliver and his supportive wife Jules have been named as the famous family that British parents would most like their own family to be like. Surprisingly, despite announcing their split yesterday and winning a libel trial over an article portraying them as bad parents, Katie Price & Peter Andre were only just beaten to the top spot by 6% of the votes.

Parents of three girls, Jamie and Jules have been married for nine years this summer and their traditional set up clearly appeals to modern parents, with nearly 1 in 3 parents choosing the Olivers over other celebrity parents.

Faye Mingo of parenting website, who carried out the survey, said, "It's no surprise the Oliver family have been voted number one. They represent a perfectly matched partnership. Jamie's down-to-earth personality, coupled with Jules supportive nature, makes for a strong relationship. Despite the announcement of Katie and Peter's spilt the couple had become well known for being focused on their family."

Jamie and Jules fought off stiff competition from a range of famous parents including America's first couple Barack & Michelle Obama who scooped third place.

Surprisingly, America's fictional family of misfits, The Simpsons beat the 'Brangelina' clan to fourth place. Whilst Gordon and Sarah Brown limped in last alongside Madonna.

The results for favourite famous family, as voted by members of Bounty Parenting Club, were as follows:

          1st Jamie & Jules Oliver     2nd Katie Price & Peter Andre     3rd Barack & Michelle Obama     4th The Simpsons     5th Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie     6th Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin     7th Charlotte Church & Gavin Henson     8th The Beckhams     9th Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes     10th Ricky & Bianca Butcher     11th Gordon & Sarah Brown and Madonna      Editors notes:      - Bounty ( is the UK's favourite parenting club,       providing information, support and products for young families       throughout the four key-life stages: pre-birth, birth, toddlers       and pre-school.      - With 2.5 million members and over 50,000 new members joining every       month, Bounty has approximately 95% market coverage of the estimated       750,000 annual births in the UK.      - is the UK's favourite parenting website and the       largest online meeting point for mums in the UK with over 19 million       pages being served each month, 700,000 opted-in members and a further       15,000 new members joining each month  

Source: Bounty

For further information please contact Lisa Penney on +44-1707-294000 or email,

Profile: International Entertainment


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