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Friday, May 15, 2009

Cablemas 4Q08 Net Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Up 18.2% and 5.0% YoY

Cablemas 4Q08 Net Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Up 18.2% and 5.0% YoY

MEXICO CITY, May 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Cablemas, S.A. de C.V., (Cablemas), the second-largest cable television operator in Mexico based on number of subscribers and homes passed, today announced results for the three-month period ending December 31, 2008.

Cablemas CEO Carlos M. Alvarez Figueroa commented, "We closed the year with another quarter of revenue growth, despite the challenging global environment. In fact, we continued to expand our customer base, and this quarter we increased cable television subscribers by 6.8%, high-speed internet subscribers by 10.1% and IP telephony lines by 85.4% year-on-year."

"Adjusted EBITDA margin for the year was 35.6% reflecting higher programming costs throughout the year. To adjust to the weakening economy this quarter we successfully began implementing a cost control program, which together with revenue growth, contributed to the 142 bps year-on-year increase in operating margin for the quarter. In addition, we are negotiating terms with suppliers in order to offset the effect of the depreciation of the Mexican Peso, which impacts around 30% of the Company's overall costs."

"Although Mexico has started to feel the effects of the global slowdown, we consider our business model to be defensive and continue to see an attractive growth potential in our markets. Nonetheless, we remain cautious and will continue implementing cost controls throughout the Company while limiting capital expenditures and consolidating our current infrastructure to further support our strong balance sheet position."

   Financial and Operational Highlights(1)   ---------------------------------------   (in million    Mexican    Pesos)        4Q07       4Q08      % Chg.      2007       2008     % Chg.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Financial    Highlights   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Net revenue    698.8      825.8      18.2%   2,703.6    3,159.1      16.8%   Operating    profit        132.6      168.4      27.0%     550.1      541.5      -1.6%   Adjusted    EBITDA(2)     245.4      257.7       5.0%   1,012.1    1,126.2      11.3%   Net income      30.3      (19.8)   -165.5%     226.2       (9.4)   -104.2%   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Operating    margin         19.0%      20.4% +142 bps       20.3%      17.1% -321 bps   Adjusted    EBITDA    margin(2)      35.1%      31.2% -391 bps       37.4%      35.6% -179 bps   Net income    margin          4.3%      -2.4% -673 bps        8.4%      -0.3% -867 bps   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Total Debt   2,897.1    3,106.6       7.2%   2,897.1    3,106.6       7.2%   Net Debt     2,842.6    2,986.6       5.1%   2,842.6    2,986.6       5.1%   Total Debt/    LTM Adj.    EBITDA(2)      2.9x       2.8x                 2.9x       2.8x   Net Debt/ LTM    Adj.    EBITDA(2)      2.8x       2.7x                 2.8x       2.7x   EBITDA/ Net    interest    expense        4.0x       2.9x                 4.0x       2.9x   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Operational    Highlights   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Homes    passed    2,204,603  2,512,760      14.0% 2,204,603  2,512,760      14.0%   Cable    Television    subscribers 797,018    851,172       6.8%   797,018    851,172       6.8%   High-speed    internet    subscribers 220,446    242,708      10.1%   220,446    242,708      10.1%   IP Telephony    lines        41,062     76,112      85.4%    41,062     76,112      85.4%   --------------------------------------------------------------------------    (1) Unless otherwise stated, all financial figures discussed in this       announcement are unaudited, prepared in accordance with Mexican       Financial Reporting Standards and represent comparisons between the       three-month periods ended December 31, 2008, and the equivalent three-       month period ended December 31, 2007. Results for 4Q07 and FY07 are       expressed in constant Mexican pesos as of December 31, 2007, while       4Q08 and FY08 results are in nominal pesos. Tables state figures in       millions of pesos, unless otherwise noted.    (2) Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by adding amortization and depreciation,       net comprehensive financial results, net other income, special items,       total income tax and asset tax, total employee statutory profit       sharing, effects from associated companies and minority interest to       net income/loss.     FOURTH QUARTER 2008 CONSOLIDATED RESULTS    Net Revenues   

Net revenues increased 18.2%, or Ps.127.0 million, during 4Q08 to Ps.825.8 million, as described below:

   --  Cable Television: The 10.6% growth in cable television revenues, from       Ps.515.7 million to Ps.570.3 million was principally due to a 6.8% YoY       increase in the number of subscribers to 851,172 with a penetration       rate of 33.1%. Average monthly cable television revenues per       subscriber (ARPU) increased year over year to Ps.227.3 from Ps.219.4,       principally reflecting the increase in rates at the Minibasic service       implemented earlier in the year. Average monthly net churn rates for       cable television declined 3 basis points to 2.3%.   --  High Speed Internet: The 8.7%, or Ps.11.5 million, rise in high-speed       Internet revenues to Ps.142.5 million resulted mainly from a 10.1%       increase in the number of subscribers to 242,708, with a penetration       rate of 11.3%. High-speed Internet ARPU declined to Ps.198.6 from       Ps.201.3 in 4Q07, reflecting a higher participation of competitively       priced double and triple play offerings. Average monthly net churn       rates for high-speed Internet declined 58 bps to 3.9% in 4Q08 due to       the increase in the participation of a more stable double and triple       play client base.    --  IP Telephony: IP telephony revenues for the quarter rose by Ps.48.4       million, to Ps.81.3 million. The number of IP telephony lines in       service rose 85.4% to 76,112 from 41,062 at the end of 4Q07. On July       31, 2008 Cablemas terminated the commercial agreement with Axtel to       provide IP Telephony services in Tijuana. As a result, the total       number of subscribers at year-end does not include 14,000 subscribers       transferred to Axtel following the split. IP telephony ARPU for 4Q08       rose to Ps.363.0 from Ps.291.2 in the year-ago quarter. This increase       principally reflects continued demand of new higher priced services       including calls to mobile phones and long distance calls, as well as       the ramping up of IP telephony in new cities.       Table 1. Revenues by Service Offering   --------------------------------------------------------------------------                              4Q07                    4Q08                      --------------------    --------------------                                % of Total              % of Total     % Chg.                      Revenue     Revenue     Revenue     Revenue                      --------------------    --------------------     ------   Cable Television     515.7        73.8%      570.3        69.1%      10.6%   High-Speed    Internet            131.0        18.7%      142.5        17.3%       8.7%   IP telephony          33.0         4.7%       81.3         9.8%     146.7%   Advertising           18.4         2.6%       28.9         3.5%      57.6%   Other(1)               0.7         0.1%        2.8         0.3%     280.0%   ----------------   --------------------    --------------------     ------   Total Net    Revenue(2)          698.8       100.0%      825.8       100.0%      18.2%   --------------------------------------------------------------------------   (1) Includes revenue relating to rental and sale of cable decoders and       charges relating to customer's change of residence.    (2) All net revenue figures are net of value-added taxes and other taxes       on sales.      Table 2. Number of Subscribers and Revenue per Service Offering   ------------------------------------------------------------------                                                          % Chg. in                                      4Q07        4Q08    Subscribers   ------------------------------- -------     -------    -----------   Minibasic                       243,676     283,271         16.2%   Basic(1)                        535,907     548,179          2.3%   Superbasic(1)                    44,119      40,000         -9.3%   Premium (1)                      33,767      43,416         28.6%   Hotel                            17,435      19,722         13.1%   ------------------------------- -------     -------    -----------   Total Cable Television          797,018     851,172          6.8%   ------------------------------- -------     -------    -----------   High-Speed Internet             220,446     242,708         10.1%   ------------------------------------------------------------------   IP Telephony lines               41,062      76,112         85.4%   ------------------------------------------------------------------   (1) The number and percentage of Basic subscribers includes Basic,       Superbasic and Premium subscribers due to the fact that all Superbasic       and Premium subscribers must also be Basic subscribers.     Table 3. ARPUs and Churn Per Service Offering   -------------------------------------------------------                               4Q07       4Q08     % Chg.   -------------------------------------------------------   Homes passed             2,204,603  2,512,760     14.0%   -------------------------------------------------------   Cable Television    - Revenue                   515.7      570.3     10.6%    - Subscribers             797,018    851,172      6.8%    - ARPU                      219.4      227.3      3.6%    - Avg. Monthly Churn         2.36%      2.32%   -3 bps   -------------------------------------------------------   High-Speed Internet    - Revenue                   131.0      142.5      8.7%    - Subscribers             220,446    242,708     10.1%    - ARPU                      201.3      198.6     -1.3%    - Avg. Monthly Churn          4.5%       3.9%  -58 bps   -------------------------------------------------------   IP Telephony    - Revenue                    33.0       81.3    146.7%    - Lines                    41,062     76,112     85.4%    - ARPU                      291.2      363.0     24.6%   -------------------------------------------------------     Operating Profit  

Operating profit for 4Q08 increased by 27.0%, or Ps.35.8 million, to Ps.168.4 million, driven mainly by a Ps.99.0 million rise in gross profit, which more than offset the Ps.63.2 million increase in SG&A. Operating margin rose 142 bps to 20.4% from 19.0% in 4Q07.

   Table 4. Operating Profit   -------------------------------------------------------------------------                           4Q07                   4Q08               % Chg.   ------------------------------------------ ----------------------                                      % of                   % of                       Million Ps.  Revenues  Million Ps.  Revenues   ------------------------------------------ ----------------------  ------   Service revenues          698.8     100.0%       825.8     100.0%   18.2%   Cost of services          345.7      49.5%       373.7      45.3%    8.1%   Gross Profit              353.1      50.5%       452.1      54.7%   28.0%   SG&A                      220.5      31.6%       283.7      34.4%   28.6%    - Selling                 64.5       9.2%       111.7      13.5%   73.3%    - Administrative         138.1      19.8%       132.5      16.0%   -4.1%    - Amortization and      depreciation            17.9       2.6%        39.5       4.8%  120.2%   ------------------------------------------ ----------------------  ------   Total operating    profit                   132.6      19.0%       168.4      20.4%   27.0%   -------------------------------------------------------------------------    Cost of Services  

Cost of Services for 4Q08 rose 8.1%, or Ps.28.0 million. The increase in cost of services was primarily due to:

   --  A Ps.20.1 million increase in cable TV programming costs, reflecting       higher costs, the depreciation of the Mexican peso against the US       dollar and the increase in the number of cable subscribers; and    --  A Ps.3.1 million increase in Internet costs related to the incremental       cost for bandwidth as the Company is offering higher Internet speeds       at the same price to make its service more competitive. The increase       also reflected the 10.1% growth in the number of Internet subscribers.    Selling, General and Administrative Expenses  

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (including depreciation and amortization) or SG&A, increased Ps.63.2 million, or 28.6% YoY to Ps.283.7 million. As a percentage of sales, SG&A increased to 34.4%, from 31.6% in 4Q07. The absolute increase in SG&A principally reflected higher selling expenses incurred to continue to drive sales growth, which more than offset the reduction in administrative charges, as follows:

   --  Selling expenses rose 73.3% to Ps.111.7 million. As a percentage of       revenues, selling expenses increased to 13.5% from 9.2% in 4Q07       principally reflecting an increase in commissions paid and the       advertising campaign launched earlier in the year to promote the       launch of IP telephony and triple play.   --  Administrative expenses declined 4.1% to Ps.132.5 million. As a       percentage of revenues, administrative expenses fell to 16.0% from       19.8% in the year-ago quarter. This improvement was the result of the       Company's successful implementation of cost cutting initiatives began       in 4Q08, including lowering office and travel costs as well as       maintaining a tight control on payroll expenses.    --  Amortization and depreciation rose 120.2%, or Ps.21.6 million, to       Ps.39.5 million in 4Q08, mainly due to the increase in Capex and the       amortization resulting from recent acquisitions.    Adjusted EBITDA  

Adjusted EBITDA for 4Q08 increased 5.0%, or Ps.12.3 million, to Ps.25.7 million. The adjusted EBITDA margin decreased 391 bps to 31.2%. The following table sets forth the reconciliation between net income and adjusted EBITDA:

   Table 5. Adjusted EBITDA   --------------------------------------------------------------                                            4Q07    4Q08  % Chg.   --------------------------------------------------------------   Net income (loss)                        30.3   (19.8)    n/a   Add (subtract):     Amortization and depreciation         112.8    89.3   -20.9%     Comprehensive financial results, net   92.9  (134.1)    n/a     Other (income) expense, net           (27.5)   (9.8)  -64.4%     Total income tax and asset tax         25.1   263.9   950.7%     Employee profit sharing                (2.4)    8.3  -445.5%     Effects from associated companies      14.0    60.1   327.8%     Minority interest                       0.1   (0.07)    n/a    --------------------------------------------------------------   Adjusted EBITDA                         245.4   257.7     5.0%   --------------------------------------------------------------    --  Net comprehensive financial results were a gain of Ps.134.1 million       compared with an expense of Ps.92.9 million in 4Q07.   --  Income taxes were Ps.263.9 million compared with Ps.25.1 million in       the years ago quarter, reflecting higher non-cash deferred taxes for       the period resulting from the gains generated by the derivative       instruments to hedge interest and principal payments on outstanding US       dollar denominated debt.   --  Effects from associated companies were a loss of Ps.60.1 million,       principally at PCTV.    --  Depreciation and amortization declined 20.9%, or Ps.23.5 million, to       Ps.89.3 million, principally reflecting accelerated depreciation in       previous quarters.    Comprehensive Financial Results, Net  

Net comprehensive financial results were a gain of Ps.134.1 million for the three-months ended December 31, 2008, compared with an expense of Ps.92.9 million for 4Q07. The change primarily reflected a non-cash financial instruments gain of Ps.820.3 million compared with a non-cash Ps.43.6 million loss in the year ago quarter as a result of the Company's hedging strategy described in "Debt Structure and Cash Flow". This more than offset the Ps.587.2 million a non-cash foreign-exchange loss resulting from the depreciation of the Mexican peso against the US dollar, as well as the Ps.44.5 million year-over-year increase in interest expenses.

   Table 6. Comprehensive Financial Results, Net   --------------------------------------------------------------------                                                  4Q07    4Q08  % Chg.   --------------------------------------------------------------------   Interest income                                 1.7     1.9    13.8%   Interest expense                              -56.4  -100.9    78.9%   Financial instruments (loss)                  -43.6   820.3     n/a   Foreign-exchange (loss) gain, net              -2.0  -587.2 29034.2%   Monetary position (loss) gain                   7.4     0.0  -100.0%   --------------------------------------------------------------------   Comprehensive financial results, net          (92.9)  134.1     n/a   --------------------------------------------------------------------      Net Income  

For 4Q08, Cablemas posted a net loss of Ps.19.8 million, compared with a net gain of Ps.30.3 million 4Q07 as explained above. Net income margin fell to negative 2.4% from positive 4.3% for 4Q07. It should be noted, however, that results for the quarter were negatively impacted by non-cash losses for a total of Ps.30.8 million resulting from the combination of deferred taxes and a foreign exchange loss, which more than offset a financial instruments gain.


Net revenues increased 16.8%, or Ps.455.5 million, during FY08 to Ps.3,159.1 million.

   --  Cable Television: The 10.3%, or Ps.211.2 million, growth in cable       television revenues was principally due to a 6.8% YoY increase in the       number of subscribers to 851,171, with a penetration rate of 33.1%.       Average monthly cable television revenues per subscriber (ARPU) rose       0.8% to Ps.227.8. This raise in ARPU was primarily the result of the       increase in rates at the Minibasic service implemented earlier in the       year. The average monthly net churn rates for cable television fell 3       bps to 2.32% for FY08 from 2.36% in FY07.   --  High Speed Internet: Revenues rose 15.0%, or Ps.72.9 million, to       Ps.558.4 million. The rise in high-speed Internet revenues resulted       mainly from a 10.1% increase in the number of subscribers to 242,708,       with a penetration rate of 11.3%. The 1.5% decline in high-speed       Internet ARPU to Ps.200.9 reflecting a higher participation of       competitively priced double and triple play offerings. Average monthly       net churn rates for high-speed Internet fell to 3.9% for FY08 from       4.5% in FY07 reflecting a higher participation of more stable double       and triple play clients.    --  IP Telephony: IP telephony revenues for the period rose 102.7%, or       Ps.121.6 million, to Ps.239.9 million. As of December 31, 2008, there       were 76,112 IP telephony lines in service, up from 41,062 as of       December 31, 2007. On July 31, 2008 Cablemas terminated the commercial       agreement with Axtel to provide IP Telephony services in Tijuana. As a       result, the total number of subscribers at year-end does not include       14,000 subscribers transferred to Axtel following the split. IP       telephony ARPU for FY08 rose 14.5% to Ps.341.3. This increase       principally reflects continued demand of new higher priced services       including calls to mobile phones and long distance calls, as well as       the ramping up of IP telephony in new cities.       Table 7. Revenues by Service Offering   ------------------------------------------------------------------------                                2007                2008   ----------------  ---------------------   --------------------                                % of Total             % of Total    % Chg.                      Revenue     Revenue    Revenue     Revenue                      --------------------   --------------------     ----   Cable Television   2,041.2       75.5%    2,252.4      71.3%      10.3%   High-Speed    Internet            485.5       18.0%      558.4      17.7%      15.0%   IP telephony         118.3        4.4%      239.9       7.6%     102.7%   Advertising           54.9        2.0%       99.7       3.2%      81.6%   Other(1)               3.6        0.1%        8.7       0.3%     137.9%   ----------------   --------------------   --------------------     ----   Total Net    Revenue(2)        2,703.6      100.0%    3,159.1     100.0%      16.8%   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   (1) Includes revenue relating to rental and sale of cable decoders and       charges relating to customer's change of residence.   (2) All net revenue figures are net of value-added taxes and other taxes       on sales.      Table 8. Number of Subscribers and Revenue per Service Offering   ---------------------------------------------------------------                                                      % Chg. in                                     2007    2008    Subscribers   ----------------------------------------------  ---------------   Minibasic                      243,676 283,271         16.2%   Basic(1)                       535,907 548,179          2.3%   Superbasic(1)                   44,119  40,000         -9.3%   Premium (1)                     33,767  43,416         28.6%   Hotel                           17,435  19,722         13.1%   -------------------------------------- ------- ----------------   Total Cable Television         797,018 851,172          6.8%   -------------------------------------- ------- ----------------   High-Speed Internet            220,446 242,708         10.1%   -------------------------------------- ------------------------   IP Telephony lines              41,062  76,112         85.4%   ---------------------------------------------------------------   (1) The number and percentage of Basic subscribers includes Basic,       Superbasic and Premium subscribers due to the fact that all Superbasic       and Premium subscribers must also be Basic subscribers.      Table 9. ARPUs and Churn Per Service Offering   -------------------------------------------------------                                 2007       2008    % Chg.   -------------------------------------------------------   Homes passed             2,204,603  2,512,760     14.0%   -------------------------------------------------------   Cable Television    - Revenue                 2,041.2    2,252.4     10.3%    - Subscribers             797,018    851,172      6.8%    - ARPU                      225.9      227.8      0.8%    - Avg. Monthly Churn         2.36%      2.32%   -3 bps   -------------------------------------------------------   High-Speed Internet    - Revenue                   485.5      558.4     15.0%    - Subscribers             220,446    242,708     10.1%    - ARPU                      204.0      200.9     -1.5%    - Avg. Monthly Churn          4.5%       3.9%  -58 bps   -------------------------------------------------------   IP Telephony    - Revenue                   118.3      239.9    102.7%    - Lines                    41,062     76,112     85.4%   -  ARPU (without      migration fee)            298.2      341.3     14.5%   -------------------------------------------------------     Operating Profit  

Operating profit for FY08 declined by 1.6%, or Ps.8.7 million, to Ps.541.5 million, driven mainly by an increase of 23.2% in SG&A which more than offset the 13.3% increase in gross profit. Operating margin declined to 17.1% from 20.3% in FY07, principally due to higher cost of services and SG&A as a percentage of sales.

   Table 10. Operating Profit   -----------------------------------------------------------------  ------                                2007                   2008   -----------------------------------------------------------------                                      % of                   % of                       Million Ps.  Revenues  Million Ps.  Revenues   % Chg.   ------------------------------------------ ----------------------  ------   Service revenues        2,703.6     100.0%     3,159.1     100.0%   16.8%   Cost of services        1,326.7      49.1%     1,598.7      50.6%   20.5%   Gross Profit            1,376.9      50.9%     1,560.4      49.4%   13.3%   SG&A                      826.8      30.6%     1,018.9      32.3%   23.2%    - Selling                255.5       9.5%       360.0      11.4%   40.9%    - Administrative         507.2      18.8%       535.8      17.0%    5.6%    - Amortization and      depreciation            64.1       2.4%       123.2       3.9%   92.1%   ------------------------------------------ ----------------------  ------   Total operating    profit                   550.1      20.3%       541.5      17.1%   -1.6%   -------------------------------------------------------------------------     Cost of Services  

Cost of Services for FY08 increased by 20.5%, or Ps.272.0 million. The increase in cost of services was primarily due to:

   --  A 26% increase in cable TV programming costs, reflecting higher costs,       the depreciation of the Mexican Peso and the increase in the number of       cable subscribers;   --  A 18.1% increase in Internet costs, which are related to the       incremental cost for bandwidth as the Company is offering higher       Internet speeds at the same price to make its service more       competitive. Higher internet costs also reflect the 10.1% increase in       the number of internet subscribers during the period;   --  A 91.2% increase in telephony costs resulting from the roll out of IP       telephony in new cities and the 85.4% increase in the number of IP       telephony subscribers; and    --  A 16% increase in depreciation & amortization resulting from an       increase in fixed assets investments.    Selling, General and Administrative Expenses  

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (including depreciation and amortization) or SG&A, increased Ps.192.1 million, or 23.2%, YoY to Ps.1,018.9 million. As a percentage of sales, SG&A rose to 32.3% from 30.6%. The absolute increase in SG&A principally reflected higher selling expenses incurred to continue to drive sales growth that more than offset the reduction non-revenue generating administrative charges, as follows:

   --  A 40.9%, or Ps.104.5 million, increase in selling expenses to Ps.360.0       million principally reflecting an increase in commissions paid and the       advertising campaign launched earlier in the year to promote the       launch of IP telephony and triple play.  The increase also reflects        the expansion of the Company's sales force (1,340 salespersons as of       December 31, 2008 as compared to 1,215 as of December 31, 2007).   --  A 5.6%, or Ps.28.6 million, increase in administrative expenses,       including Ps.21.7 in wages and salaries. However, during 4Q08 the       Company began implementing a series of cost cutting initiatives that       have started to show positive results; and    --  An 92.1%, or Ps.59.0 million, increase in amortization and       depreciation, to Ps.123.2 million for FY08, principally due to an       increase in assets and equipment and the amortization resulting from       recent acquisitions.    Adjusted EBITDA  

Adjusted EBITDA for FY08 increased 11.3%, or Ps.114.1 million, to Ps.1,126.2 million. The adjusted EBITDA margin declined 179 bps to 35.6% from 37.4%. The following table sets forth the reconciliation between net income and adjusted EBITDA:

   Table 11. Adjusted EBITDA   -----------------------------------------------------------------                                              2007     2008  % Chg.   -----------------------------------------------------------------   Net income (loss)                         226.2     (9.4)    n/a   Add (subtract):     Amortization and depreciation           461.9    584.7    26.6%     Comprehensive financial results, net    231.3    141.4   -38.9%     Other (income) expense, net             (55.4)    (7.8)  -86.0%     Total income tax and asset tax          131.7    315.0   139.1%     Employee profit sharing                   2.9      8.4   195.1%     Effects from associated companies        12.9     93.9   625.8%     Minority interest                         0.4     0.01   -97.6%    -----------------------------------------------------------------   Adjusted EBITDA                         1,012.1  1,126.2    11.3%   -----------------------------------------------------------------     --  Net comprehensive financial results were an expense of Ps.141.4       million compared with an expense of Ps.231.3 million in FY07 as       explained below;   --  Income tax was a Ps.315.0 million provision, compared to Ps.131.7       million in FY07; principally reflecting the gains generated by the       derivative instruments to hedge interest and principal payments on       outstanding US dollar denominated debt.   --  Depreciation and amortization rose 26.6.%, or Ps.122.8 million, to       Ps.584.7 million, principally due to an increase in fixed asset       investments; and    --  Effect from associated companies was a Ps.93.9 million loss,       principally at PCTV.    Comprehensive Financial Results, Net  

Net comprehensive financial results were an expense of Ps.141.4 million for FY08, compared to an expense of Ps. 231.3 for FY07. This was mainly due to a Ps.833.6 million non-cash, non-monetary financial instruments gain resulting from the Company's hedging strategy described in "Debt Structure and Cash Flow", which more than offset the higher non-cash foreign exchange loss resulting from the depreciation of the Mexican peso against the US dollar as well as the increase in interest expenses. Pursuant to NIF B-10, inflation accounting is not applicable for 2008 and thus the result from monetary position is not determined for 2008.

   Table 12. Comprehensive Financial Results, Net   ---------------------------------------------------------                                      2007    2008   % Chg.   ---------------------------------------------------------   Interest income                     5.4    10.8     99.6%   Interest expense                 -261.4  -398.5     52.4%   Financial instruments (gain)      -15.1   833.6      n/a   Foreign-exchange (gain) loss, net  -5.0  -587.3  11744.0%   Monetary position loss (gain)      44.8     0.0   -100.0%   ---------------------------------------------------------   Comprehensive financial    results, net                    (231.3) (141.4)   -38.9%   ---------------------------------------------------------     Net Income  

For FY08, Cablemas posted a net loss of Ps.9.4 million, compared with a Ps.226.2 million gain posted in FY07. Net income margin for the year was down to negative 0.3% from 8.4% in FY07. It should be noted, however, that results for the quarter were negatively impacted by non-cash losses for a total of Ps.68.7 million resulting from the combination of deferred taxes and a foreign exchange loss which more than offset a financial instruments gain.


Capital expenditures for FY08 increased 44.9%, or Ps. 509.0 million, to Ps.1,642.1 million from Ps.1,133.1 million in FY07. Capital expenditures principally related to investments incurred in connection with the roll out of IP telephony and to expand and upgrade Cablemas' network. Following the strong capital investments made in 2008 and to adjust to the current environment, during 2009 Cablemas expects to maintain a conservative stance in terms of capital expenditures while focusing on further increasing market penetration by continuing to leverage its current distribution network.

As of December 31, 2008, Cablemas had a network of 15,291 km, of which 85% was bidirectional, 90% was operating at or greater than 550 MHz and 79% was operating at or greater than 750 MHz.


Consolidated gross debt as of December 31, 2008, totaled Ps.3,106.6 million, of which Ps. 3,098.4 million was long-term and Ps.8.2 million was short term. Consolidated gross debt rose YoY by 7.2%, from Ps.2,897.1 million as of December 31, 2007. This was mainly the result of the depreciation of the Mexican Peso, as the majority of the debt is denominated in US dollars.

Net debt, which is calculated as total debt minus cash and cash equivalents, increased YoY by 5.1% to Ps.2,986.6 million, from 2,842.6 million as of December 31, 2007. As of December 31, 2008, Cablemas had a cash balance of Ps.120.1 million.

Approximately 98% of Cablemas' debt is denominated in US dollars. All of the Company's bank debt is hedged by swap agreements on interest and principal payments for the life of the senior notes and the US$50 million loan. The Company has not entered into any other derivatives transactions during 2008.

   Table 13. Debt Indicators   --------------------------------------------------------------                                           2007    2008  % Chg.   --------------------------------------------------------------   Total Debt                           2,897.1 3,106.6      7.2%   --------------------------------------------------------------     Short-Term Debt                      320.2     8.2    -97.4%      Long-Term Debt                     2,576.9 3,098.4     20.2%    --------------------------------------------------------------   Cash and Cash Equivalents               54.5   120.1    120.2%   --------------------------------------------------------------   Total Net Debt                       2,842.6 2,986.6      5.1%   --------------------------------------------------------------    Leverage     Total Debt/ LTM Adjusted EBITDA       2.9x    2.8x     Total Net Debt/ LTM Adjusted      EBITDA                               2.8x    2.7x   --------------------------------------------------------------    Interest Coverage     Adjusted EBITDA / Net Interest      Expense                              4.0x    2.9x   --------------------------------------------------------------   

Cash flow from operations during FY08 increased 63.7%, or Ps.532.2 million, to Ps.1,367.3 million. Net borrowings declined by Ps.424.0 million as the Company paid down the majority of its short term debt at the beginning of the 2008 fiscal year. CAPEX for FY08 increased Ps.509.0 million to Ps.1,642.1 million. Investments were principally related to the upgrade and expansion of Cablemas' network, customers' premises equipment investments and the roll out of IP telephony.

   Table 14. Cash Flow   ------------------------------------------------------------------                                            2007      2008   Change   ------------------------------------------------------------------   Cash at the beginning of the period      56.0      54.5      (1.5)   ------------------------------------------------------------------   Net Income                              226.2   Income before income taxes                        305.6     +    Depreciation and amortization    468.1     591.3     123.2     +    Change in Working Capital        123.6     355.4     231.8     +    Other                             17.1     115.0      97.9   Cash Flow from Operations               835.1   1,367.3     532.2     -    Capex                         (1,133.1) (1,642.1)    509.0     -    Other                           (499.3)    (31.6)   (467.7)   Net Investing Activities             (1,632.4) (1,673.7)     41.3     +    Debt                             835.3    (431.7) (1,267.0)     +    Other                            (39.4)    803.7     843.1   Net Financing Activities                795.9     371.9    (423.9)   ------------------------------------------------------------------   Cash at the end of the period            54.5     120.1      65.5   ------------------------------------------------------------------    4Q08 Results Conference Call  

Since June 2008 Televisa has consolidated the assets, liabilities, and results of Cablemas in its consolidated financial statements. Therefore and until further notice, Cablemas has decided to discontinue its practice of hosting quarterly earnings calls. Questions concerning the Company's operations and results will continue to be addressed by the Company's investor relations department.

About Cablemas

Cablemas is the second-largest cable television operator in Mexico based on number of subscribers and homes passed. As of December 31, 2008, Cablemas' cable network served over 851,172 cable television subscribers, 242,708 high-speed internet subscribers, and 76,112 IP telephony lines, with 2,512,760 homes passed.

Cablemas is the concessionaire with the broadest coverage in Mexico, operating in 46 cities throughout the country's oil, maquiladora and tourist regions as of December 31, 2008. Cablemas has consistently introduced innovative products in Mexico and is the first cable operator in the country to provide a "Triple Play" bundled service package of cable television, high speed internet and IP telephony. More information about Cablemas can be found at

This document may contain certain forward-looking statements concerning Cablemas' operations, performance, business, financial condition and growth prospects. These statements are based upon beliefs of management as well as a number of assumptions and estimates, which are inherently subject to significant uncertainties, many of which are beyond Cablemas' control. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, changes in the Mexican economy, including changes in inflation rates or exchange rates, changes in political conditions and government policies in Mexico, increased competition, regulatory developments and customer demand. These statements are made as of the date of this press release and Cablemas undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise in light of these risks and uncertainties, there can be no assurances that the events described or implied in the forward-looking statements contained in this document will in fact transpire.

                        - UNAUDITED FINANCIAL TABLES TO FOLLOW -               CABLEMAS, S. A. DE C. V. AND SUBSIDIARIES             -----------------------------------------                     Consolidated Balance Sheets                    ---------------------------           For the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007      (2007 figures are in thousands of constant Mexican pesos    as of December 31, 2007 while 2008 figures are in thousands                     of nominal Mexican pesos)           ASSETS                                2008             2007*         ------                                ----             ----    CURRENT     Cash and cash equivalents      Ps      120,052  Ps       54,518      Accounts receivable:     Accounts receivable - net               38,678           40,008     Recoverable taxes - net                149,809          148,561     Other accounts receivable                1,450           14,262     Due from affiliated companies            9,260              341     Advance payments                        19,825           21,763                                             ------           ------          Total current assets               339,074          279,453    Financial Instruments                  1,005,010            4,299    Inventories - net                        589,364          337,414    Shares investments                       566,684          624,839    Property, distribution signal    systems and equipments - net          4,660,101        3,835,410      Other assets:    Deferred profit sharing                    9,829            9,627   Goodwill                               1,076,295        1,076,295   Transition assets for    employees benefits                            -           15,483   Other assets - net                       174,238          205,852    Total assets                      Ps   8,420,595   Ps   6,388,672             LIABILITIES                                   2008            2007*         -----------                                   ----            ----    Current:   Current portion of bank loans              Ps        353   Ps    313,967   Current portion of financial leasing               7,876           6,202   Current portion of corporate notes                27,418          23,221   Accounts payable                                 732,537         276,007   Accruals and cumulative liabilities              108,199         109,033   Taxes payable                                     34,228           8,116   Profit Sharing                                     6,063           4,188   Due to affiliated companies                      123,784          39,773   Customers deposits and advances                   27,519          40,858                                                     ------          ------          Total current liabilities                1,067,977         821,365     Long-term debt, net of current portion:   Financial instruments                             24,394          20,139   Corporate notes, net of current portion        2,406,283       1,908,253   Bank loans, net of current portion               688,690         660,215   Accounts payable                                   8,500               -   Financial leasing, net of current portion          3,443           8,458   Employees benefits                                55,985          54,815    Income tax                                         3,358           8,647    Deferred tax                                     754,016         452,296                                                    -------         -------          Total liabilities                        5,012,646       3,934,188                                                  ---------       ---------           STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY         --------------------      Capital stock                                 761,109         751,417     Share premiums                              2,299,586       1,200,309     Legal reserve                                  38,983          27,649     Retained earnings                             413,987         540,212     Financial instruments valuation effects      (108,213)        (60,208)     Labor obligations cumulative effects                -            (532)     Cumulative effect of deferred income tax            -           3,448     Deficit in restatement of stockholders equity       -         (10,298)                                                         -         -------          Total majority interest                 3,405,452       2,451,997                                                 ---------       ---------      Minority interest                               2,497           2,487                                                     -----           -----          Total stockholders' equity              3,407,949       2,454,484                                                 ---------       ---------      Total liabilities and stockholders      equity                                 Ps  8,420,595   Ps  6,388,672                                                 =========       =========    * Certain amounts were reclassified for comparison purposes with 2008.                      CABLEMAS, S. A. DE C. V. AND SUBSIDIARIES                   -----------------------------------------                        Consolidated Statements of Income                       ---------------------------------                 For the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007          (2007 figures are in thousands of constant Mexican pesos as of        December 31, 2007 while 2008 figures are in thousands of nominal                                 Mexican pesos)                                                       2008            2007*                                                      ----            ----    Revenues                                  Ps  3,159,113   Ps  2,703,628    Cost of sales (including depreciation and    amortization)                                1,598,669       1,326,683    General expenses:     Selling  (excluding depreciation and      amortization)                                360,030         255,506     Administrative (excluding depreciation      and amortization)                            535,765         507,181     Amortization and depreciation                 123,150          64,124                                                   -------          ------          Operating income                          541,499         550,134    Other (expenses) income                            (654)         52,536    Integral cost of financing                     (141,362)       (231,312)    Equity loses of affiliates                      (93,925)        (12,941)                                                   -------         -------          Income before income taxes                305,558         358,417    Income taxes                                   (314,975)       (131,743)                                                  --------        --------          Consolidated net (loss) profit             (9,417)        226,674    Minority interest net income                        (10)           (426)                                                       ---            ----          Majority interest net (loss)          income                             Ps     (9,427)  Ps    226,248                                                    ======         =======      * Certain amounts were reclassified for comparison purposes with 2008.                CABLEMAS, S. A. DE C. V. AND SUBSIDIARIES             -----------------------------------------                Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows               ------------------------------------                For the year ended December 31, 2008      (2008 figures are in thousands of nominal Mexican pesos)                                                                        2008                                                                      ----   Operating activities:   ---------------------    Income before income taxes                               Ps     305,558    Investment activities related items   Depreciation and amortization                                   591,311   Increase in accounts receivable reserve                           2,322   Increase in inventories reserve for systems of signal    distribution components                                          1,991   Profit on sales of fixed assets                                    (889)   Loss in insurance claims                                            488   Loss in equity affiliates                                        93,925   Net cost for labor obligations                                   17,185    Financing activities related items   Interest paid                                                   199,962   Financial instruments                                          (837,203)   Unrealized foreign exchange loss                                505,815   Profit sharing                                                    8,518                                                                     -----    Subtotal of investing and financing activities    related items                                                  888,983                                                                   -------    Increase in accounts receivable and other accounts receivables (45,046)   Increase in affiliated companies                                75,091   Prepaid expenses                                                 1,938   Tax recoverable                                                 61,048   Accounts payable                                               462,647   Accruals and cumulative liabilities                               (834)   Customers deposits and advances                                (13,339)   Paid income taxes                                              (56,355)   Profit sharing                                                  (6,845)                                                                   ------    Net cash provided by operating activities                    1,367,288                                                                ---------    Investing activities:   ---------------------    Business acquisition                                           (14,433)   Investment in shares                                           (35,769)   Inventory of systems of signal distribution components        (253,941)   Other assets                                                      (448)   Acquisition of machinery and equipment                      (1,373,736)   Cash from sales of machinery and equipment                       3,696   Cash recover from insurance claims                                 934                                                                      ---    Net cash used for investing activities                      (1,673,697)                                                               ----------    Exceeding cash to be applied in financial activities          (306,409)    Financial activities:   ---------------------    Cash entry for equity issuance                                   9,692   Cash entry from shares premiums                              1,099,277   Payments of bank loans                                        (423,000)   Expenses payments on corporate notes                            (3,011)   Financial leasing payments                                      (5,732)   Interest paid                                                 (201,379)   Dividends paid                                                 (98,615)   Long term income tax                                            (5,289)                                                                   ------    Net cash provided by financing activities                      371,943                                                                  -------    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                       65,534   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                  54,518                                                                   ------    Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year            Ps     120,052                                                                  =======  

First Call Analyst:
FCMN Contact:

Source: Cablemas, S.A. de C.V.

CONTACT: In Mexico, Cablemas, Allan Ituarte Hesles, Planning & IR
Manager, +5255-41-21-83-35,; In the United States,
Breakstone Group, Susan Borinelli, +1-646-330-5907,

Web Site:

Profile: International Entertainment


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