Every USA Church, Synagogue Gets Militant Islam DVD
Every USA Church, Synagogue Gets Militant Islam DVD
Over 325,000 rabbis and pastors
VISTA, Calif., Oct. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Over 325,000 rabbis, priests and pastors in every Jewish and Christian congregation in America just received the award-winning documentary Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West on DVD, according to the publisher of a new periodical for clerical leaders, The Judeo-Christian View, which included the film inside the first issue.
The publication -- signed by dozens of rabbis and pastors who concur that U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's policies on same-sex unions and partial birth abortion tend to inflame U.S. tensions with Islamists and are at odds with their ancient Biblical faiths -- went out by U.S. mail and is heading online (www.thejudeo-christianview.com) to another 10 million congregational leaders and laity as part of an ambitious subscription strategy. The new "multimedia opinion journal" also includes an "interfaith video sermon" on DVD and online that discusses Obama's support for repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, which shields states from forced recognition of same-sex marriages originating in Massachusetts, California and now, Connecticut pursuant to a state Supreme Court ruling on October 10.
Clerical signers include: Rabbi Herzel Kranz from The Jewish Center of Silver Spring, Maryland; Rev. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.; Father Frank Pavone, Roman Catholic head of Priests for Life; Rev. Rosemary Schindler, San Francisco Board of the Anti-Defamation League and member of the Oscar Schindler family (of Schindler's List); Dr. James M. Hutchens, Brigadier General and Deputy Chief of US Army Chaplains (Ret.); Rev. Ben Kinchlow, former co-host of The 700 Club; Dr. Bruce Fong, president, Michigan Theological Seminary; Dr. Kenneth L. Hutcherson, Antioch Bible Church, Kirkland, Washington; Dr. Erwin Lutzer, senior pastor of Moody Memorial Church, Chicago; and Rabbi Yehuda Levin of the Rabbinical Alliance of America of Torah Loyal Jews and The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada.
The publication links Jewish Scriptures (e.g., Leviticus 18:21) on child sacrifice to graphic video descriptions of partial birth abortion -- a late-term procedure that involves piercing the skull and vacuuming the brain of the fetus, something Sen. John McCain would ban, but Obama would expand via taxpayer funding and the proposed "Freedom of Choice Act," which eliminates all current U.S. restrictions on late-term abortion. The document's signatories contend Obama's policy to liberalize abortion, "combined with his effort to kill a bill that would protect babies who survive abortions, tends to gut the USA's moral standing to condemn jihadic use of Muslim children as suicide bombers; both are horrific cases of child sacrifice that support a Culture of Death and demonstrate utter contempt for the Judeo-Christian Culture of Life."
The rabbi, priest and pastor signers also state, "Full embrace of homosexual unions by our nation and the next administration would tell violent Islamists that the infidel USA has expressly rejected once-shared Abrahamic, Mosaic and Christian teaching regarding 'sodomy'. So too would flagrant 'gay integration' of our overseas military forces [a policy Obama supports]. We advocate "love the sinner, hate the sin"; militant Islamists would murder our fellow Americans for sexual error, as well as us for offering them hope and forgiveness!" The online edition graphically condemns Islamist executions of gays, young girls and women domestically and abroad.
Dr. O'Neal Dozier, General Publisher, said the next issue will be The Judeo-Christian View on "The Free Exercise of Islamic Violence." Dozier, an African-American pastor, attorney and former NFL player, said the Obsession DVD went out with the print edition to all U.S. congregations of Judeo-Christian heritage as a donation to the Clarion Fund, Inc. Clarion recently distributed the film to 28 million U.S. households and was harshly condemned for it by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an advocacy group linked by critics to radical Muslims and opposed to the 2006 documentary.
Although juxtaposing Bible passages with the two senators' policies, the multiracial signers of Dozier's new periodical reject "bigotry against peaceful Muslims", racism, "any kind of hatred, mean-spiritedness or gay- bashing", or mistreatment of "young mothers pressured by boyfriends, parents or society to abort their pre-born infants." Urging "love the sinner, hate the sin", the signers encourage the same "attitude toward erring politicians as well" and expressly reject discredited claims that Obama, whose father was Muslim, is today a Muslim.
LINKS: www.thejudeo-christianview.com www.obsessionthemovie.com www.watchobsession.org
Source: The Judeo-Christian View
CONTACT: Print, Radio, Web: Lynne Campbell, or Shauna Whitlock,
+1-630-848-0750, office@specialguests.com; Television: Todd Baumann,
+1-512-966-0983, todd@specialguests.com, or Jerry McGlothlin, +1-212-699-2518,
Web site: http://www.thejudeo-christianview.com/
Profile: International Entertainment
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