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International Entertainment News

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bill Maher Refuses To Apologize

Bill Maher Refuses To Apologize

- American Life League Demands HBO Fire Maher -

WASHINGTON, April 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- After announcing that he was going to apologize to Catholics on Friday night's show "Talking Points," Bill Maher offered no apology or remorse for his statements. Earlier this week, American Life League spearheaded a unified effort among Catholics to cancel HBO subscriptions and demand that Maher be fired.

"Not only did Maher fail to apologize, he stepped up his insult of Pope Benedict XVI by saying that he swore an oath directly to Hitler," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. "Maher made no apology and persists in his slander of the pope and the entire Catholic Church, and for that he must be fired."

American Life League's website,, contains the offending video clip of Maher's more than three minute rant, calling Pope Benedict XVI a "Nazi" and "the leader of a pedophile cult." A petition to fire Maher, a call for HBO subscribers to cancel their subscriptions until Maher is fired, and a summary of Maher's history of anti-Catholic hate-speech is also available on the website.

"Since last night's non-apology, signatures on our petition to fire Bill Maher have doubled," said Brown. "Maher's hate-speech cannot go unanswered, and that's why American Life League will not stop until Maher is no longer on the air."

American Life League was co-founded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Michael Hichborn at 540.659.7900.


(Due to the length of the below URLs, please copy and paste links into a browser to view.)

   American Life League: Fire Bill Maher (19 April 2008)   

CNS News: 'Nazi' Pope Runs 'Child-Abusing Cult,' Says HBO's Maher (15 April 2008) 5b.html

News Busters: Bill Maher: Pope 'Used to be a Nazi'; Compares Church to Cult, Bear Stearns (14 April 2008) used-be-nazi-compares-church-cult-bear-stearns

   Denver Post: Don Imus Fired by CBS (12 April 2007)   

Washington Post: 'Seinfeld' Comic Richards Apologizes for Racial Rant (21 November 2006) dyn/content/article/2006/11/21/AR2006112100242.html

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Source: American Life League

CONTACT: Michael Hichborn of American Life League, +1-540-226-9178, or

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Profile: International Entertainment


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