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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Democratic Radio Address - Dean: McCain Offers More of the Same Bush Policies on the Economy

Democratic Radio Address - Dean: McCain Offers More of the Same Bush Policies on the Economy

Says Americans Have Heard Very Little 'Straight Talk' from McCain on Campaign Trail

WASHINGTON, April 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Governor Howard Dean, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, delivered the Democratic radio address this week. Citing Senator John McCain's belief that the country is better off, when more than a quarter of a million jobs have been lost this year and many people are struggling to make ends met, Dean noted how out of touch McCain is with the challenges facing American families.

Chairman Dean also pointed out that the numbers in John McCain's economic proposals don't add up. Despite his talk about fiscal discipline, Senator McCain has failed to account for the costs of a long-term engagement in Iraq, making the Bush tax cuts permanent, and giving additional tax cuts to billionaires.

The transcript of the radio address is below. To listen to the address, click here: Dean.mp3    Transcript of Radio Address:   

Good morning. I'm Governor Howard Dean, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. I want to start by offering Pope Benedict XVI the warmest welcome as he travels here in the United States. He is in our thoughts and prayers while he visits America.

His visit reminds us of the Catholic values of social justice, working for the common good, and caring for those most in need.

These are also the values of the Democratic Party.

We face challenging times in our country and our world. Our troops are in Iraq - many on their second or even third tour of duty. The gap between the most fortunate and everyone else is widening. As we elect our nation's next leader it's important that we choose someone who understands the struggles that so many families here at home face as they try to make ends meet.

As I listened to Senator John McCain's remarks about the economy this week, I heard more of the same Republican policies that George Bush has brought us for the last eight years.

This year, more than a quarter of a million Americans have already lost their jobs. Since the Republicans have occupied the White House, seven million more Americans have lost their health insurance. Wages have fallen. Gas prices are at record highs. And even groceries cost more than they have in the past 17 years. And America has the largest deficits in our history.

Senator McCain believes we are better off.

On the campaign trail, Senator McCain talks about spending American tax dollars responsibly. But how can he think he'll pay for a $12 billion a month war in Iraq, make the Bush tax cuts permanent, and give additional tax cuts to billionaires without making our deficits even bigger?

So far in this campaign we have heard very little "straight talk" from John McCain.

He was against the Bush tax cuts before he was for them. He was for comprehensive immigration reform before he was against it. He was for campaign finance reform before he said it didn't apply to him.

Next week, Senator McCain will embark on what he's calling a compassion tour. We haven't seen much compassion from George Bush and I don't think we are going to see any more from John McCain: privatizing social security, denying our children health care, adding eight trillion in new deficits, no plan to turn our economy around, or help people keep their homes.

We honor John McCain's service to our country, but John McCain is not the right choice for America's future. This November, voters do have a choice. If you want to see more of this Bush economy, if you want to see our troops in Iraq for a long period of time, we can stay the course with Senator McCain.

But the Democrats have a different vision for America's future. Both of our candidates for president have a plan to get us out of Iraq responsibly so that we can invest in the American people and American jobs.

We have a history of balancing budgets, the only party to do so in the past 40 years. Both of our candidates will turn our economy around with fair and honest tax policies, will help people keep their homes, and finally have a health care system that makes sense for all of us.

But most importantly, both of our candidates will restore America's moral leadership at home and around the world.

I'm Governor Howard Dean, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Thanks so much for listening.

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,

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Source: Democratic National Committee

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