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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Is Government Policy Undermining Family Stability?

Is Government Policy Undermining Family Stability?

    What:  Press Conference    Where:  National Press Club, Holeman Lounge           529 14th St. NW, 13th fl., Washington, DC 20036    When:  Thursday, August 16, 2007    1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.          Preview Begins at 1:30 p.m.  Questions following preview          Light refreshments    Sponsors:  The American Coalition for Fathers and Children              National African American Coalition for Shared Parenting    Contact:  Michael McCormick (202) 538-2221    Subject:  Is Government Policy Undermining Family Stability?   

On Thursday, August 16, 2007, the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC) and the National African American Coalition for Shared Parenting (NAACSP) will host a press conference on specific issues in government domestic policy leading to family destabilization.

Filmmaker Angelo Lobo's new documentary "Support: System Down" will provide the backdrop. In this riveting and insightful film Lobo exposes the glaring failures of government family policy. Viewers will see through the eyes of citizens forced to interact with social service bureaucracies and family courts.

"Support" examines a system that leaves devastation in its wake and impacts the financial and emotional well being of every citizen in America. Lobo reveals:

     -- Debtor prisons are alive, thriving and widespread in the United        States.     -- Over 4,000 children each day lose a relationship with a parent in the        United States.     -- Sprawling nationwide bureaucracies have been established at an        estimated taxpayer expense of over $100 billion annually to deal with        problems which are, by and large, created by the bureaucracy itself.     -- Special interests assure obvious solutions to the problems are not        implemented.     -- Thousands of citizens commit suicide every year in despair as a        result of interaction with these agencies.  Millions more live in        emotional turmoil and financial ruin.     -- A significant segment of the population is 'controlled' by an        industry with minimal regulatory oversight.   

The unintended consequences of federal policies are clearly revealed in "Support: System Down." From the opening footage of a devastating court room shooting which leaves four people dead and numerous injured to the anguished cry of grandparents distraught over the loss of their grandchildren, "Support" explores the basic lack of protection for parents who come under the purview of predatory courts and social service agencies.

Our discussion will focus briefly on the multi-faceted nature of the problems as revealed by social service workers, attorneys, legislators, judges and ordinary citizens. America's social service and family law systems are broken. There are remedies.

Countries around the world are reexamining policy in an effort to develop more humane approaches to these issues. A candid national conversation on these problems and how to protect our citizens from further government encroachment into their private lives is essential to assure a viable future for our children and nation.

Joining us to discuss these issues, illustrated through vignettes from the film, will be:

     Angelo Lobo -- Filmmaker, Aginelo Productions     The Honorable Willie Lipscomb -- Judge, 38th District, Detroit Michigan     Dr. Stephen J. Walker -- Director, SCOPE -- Senior Citizens Organization       for Parental Equality     Robert Looper, Executive Director -- National African American Coalition       for Shared Parenting     Dr. Stephen Baskerville -- Author of numerous scholarly articles and the       forthcoming book, "Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers,       Marriage and Families"     Stanley Charles Thorne -- Constitutional Law Attorney     John Cole -- terminal cancer patient, debtor prison survivor     Rev. Ronald Smith -- Exec. Director Children Need Both Parents   

CONTACT: Michael McCormick, +1-202-538-2221, for American Coalition for Fathers and Children.

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Source: American Coalition for Fathers and Children

Profile: International Entertainment


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