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Monday, July 07, 2014

ProfNet Experts Available on Content Marketing, Data Breaches, Real Estate Investing, More

ProfNet Experts Available on Content Marketing, Data Breaches, Real Estate Investing, More

Also in This Edition: Jobs for Writers and Media Industry Blog Posts

NEW YORK, July 7, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network that are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area. If you are interested in interviewing any of the experts, please contact them via the contact information at the end of the listing. To receive these updates by email, send a note to with the industries you cover, and we'll add you to the appropriate edition.

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-- Content Marketing Trends for Brands and Retailers
-- The 45(th) Anniversary of the Moon Landing
-- Rebuilding Trust After a Data Breach
-- Staying on Top of Estate Planning Rules
-- Advantages of Investing in Real Estate

-- Breaking News Writer - (MA)
-- Editorial Assistant - The New York Times Syndicate (NY)
-- Associate Content Producer - CBS College Sports (CA)

-- Balance Your Blogging With Journalistic Best Practices
-- What's on Your Summer Reading List?
-- Expert Spotlight: Soccer Coach Jay Martin


Content Marketing Trends for Brands and Retailers

Matt Schmitt

President & Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer


Utilizing UGC (User Generated Content) in Digital Brand Media Strategy - New content types and platforms mean brands are producing and curating more media and messaging than ever. While many of the social media channels are best suited for certain content types -- video on YouTube, messaging and trends on twitter, product images on Pinterest -- all of these may be leveraged as part of a cohesive and engaging program at place-based venues with digital signage. Says Schmitt: "Brands have become very active in producing and contributing content to the social media channels. But the much larger sea of messaging and media being generated across the social sphere is that of the User Generated Content (UGC), which represents challenges and opportunities. Some brands are using social channels for 'listening' to consumers and incorporating feedback into customer service and product development. Brands are also increasingly looking to effectively curate and promote UGC across all of their marketing channels as brand content that is more personal and authentic."

Schmitt created and managed the emerging technologies group for Yahoo! Inc., where he worked with business units to develop and deploy rich media solutions to Yahoo! He also managed several groups at, the pioneering webcasting company which had a successful IPO and was subsequently acquired by Yahoo! Inc. in 1999. Previously, he managed operations for Fox Sports Direct, the satellite broadcasting unit of Fox Sports. He worked closely with the major sports leagues and cable affiliates to facilitate nationwide delivery and distribution of programming. In addition, he helped facilitate Fox Sports' programming conversion from analog to digital broadcasting, and helped launch new programs, such as NFL Sunday Ticket.

ProfNet Profile:


Media Contact: Tracie Wilbanks,

The 45(th) Anniversary of the Moon Landing

Rod Pyle

NASA Expert

Rod Pyle Films

How does NASA continue to cross new frontiers in these constrained times? How can the new and revolutionary robotic missions to Mars and beyond, as well as crewed flights to asteroids and the moon, even be pondered, much less accomplished? The answer lies not just in innovation, but in increasingly efficient innovation -- the power at the core of NASA. Says Pyle: "On July 20, it will be 45 years since NASA astronauts first set foot on the moon in 1969. Five more landings would occur after Apollo 11. Trips to the lunar surface suddenly came to an end in 1972, as NASA prepared to build the space shuttle and, ultimately, the International Space Station. But NASA has never stopped inventing new ways to explore our galaxy, push scientific frontiers, and do so with ever-constraining limitations. Today, the agency's funding hovers at about 0.5 percent of the federal budget, or 1/10th of its peak funding during the space race of the 1960's."

Pyle, a NASA expert, taught leadership training to high-level executives at The Johnson Space Center, and is an expert source on space exploration and innovation. He is former VP of Communications for the World Space Foundation, a space-advocacy association based in Los Angeles and closely aligned with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. He is the author of "Innovation the NASA Way." He is based in Pasadena, Calif.


Media Contact: Ann Pryor,

Rebuilding Trust After a Data Breach

Alex Pezold



"There was a significant drop in sales following the much publicized Target breach earlier this year, and we see this drop in consumer confidence after a breach across all industries -- retail, healthcare, academia, etc. This need to rebuild trust hits the bottom line, can de-motivate employees and can become a backwards distraction that stalls or reverses positive momentum. With tokenization, the importance and necessary regulatory requirements - which are tightening - to keep data safe is no longer a barrier to business productivity or budgets, especially when you see the hard and soft savings this safety can ultimately provide."

Pezold is available to discuss data breaches, tokenization, cloud computing, cloud storage, cc vaulting and data vaulting. He is currently a CISSP, holds CNSS Certifications, and obtained his masters of science in computer science with emphasis in information security from the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, OK.


Media Contact: Genevieve Malandra,

Staying on Top of Estate Planning Rules

Bijan Golkar, CFP

Vice President/Senior Advisor

FPC Investment Advisory, Inc.

Keeping tabs on the estate planning rules during the past few years has been a little like watching Olympic-level table tennis: The action moves quickly, and it's difficult to keep up. However, no matter how laws and rules change, there are a few basic tasks that are actually pretty evergreen and that everyone should execute. Says Golkar: "It's common to name family members as executors, but in more complicated situations it might be preferable to use a professional to serve as your executor. It's a good idea to tell your executor that you've named him or her, and also provide details on how to obtain access to important documents, such as your will and a master directory detailing all of your accounts."

Golkar has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Yahoo Finance, The Fiscal Times, Bankrate and He is located in San Francisco, Calif.

ProfNet Profile:


Media Contact: Steve Garmhausen,

Advantages of Investing in Real Estate

Pej Barlavi


Barlavi Realty LLC

"There are several advantages to holding onto an investment property. First there are the tax incentives as many cities are giving very good tax incentives to start a business or buy property or to develop residential and commercial properties to increase the traffic and draw new business into particular neighborhoods. Even here in Manhattan there are several neighborhoods that have solid benefit of developing residential and commercial properties. As an example in Manhattan you may not get a great return on a monthly or yearly investment and the CAP rate may not be more than seven percent if you are lucky which is considerably less than most city throughout the United States, but as history has shown us Manhattan was not effect as much of the country was when the bubble burst and the drop in prices was quickly rebound. And now we are over and yond the peak of real estate prices that was in the early 2000. So for those that held onto their property they are looking at much higher sales price than was perceived a decade ago."

For over 18 years, Barlavi, a real estate expert. has achieved significant success in both residential and commercial sales. He is very knowledgeable about the U.S. housing market and trends in real estate.


Media Contact: Ryan McCormick,


Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board:

-- Breaking News Writer - (MA)
-- Editorial Assistant - The New York Times Syndicate (NY)
-- Associate Content Producer - CBS College Sports (CA)
See more listings here.


Following are links to other news and resources we think you might find useful. If you have an item you think other reporters would be interested in and would like us to include in a future alert, please drop us a line at

independent blogger, you blaze your own path. However, as Christine
mentioned in part 1 of this series, this freedom means you're the only
one responsible for the success of your blog. You're the reporter,
columnist, staff photographer, editor, designer, and marketing
department. Since your blog is a newsroom of one, it helps to learn how
all of these roles work together in a traditional newsroom.
-- WHAT'S ON YOUR SUMMER READING LIST? Summer's here and the days are
longer. With summer vacation in mind, it's only natural to think about
picking up a good read. Check out this list of recommended summer
reading. Which ones will you add to your list?
swing, and with more and more Americans interested in the games, we are
shining this month's Expert Spotlight on Jay Martin, head coach, men's
soccer, Ohio Wesleyan University. Martin is the winningest coach in
college men's soccer history, with a total of 640 wins. Check out his
prediction for which team will go all the way:
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