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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Winner of the International Ibsen Award 2012 is Heiner Goebbels

The Winner of the International Ibsen Award 2012 is Heiner Goebbels

OSLO, Norway, March 20, 2012/PRNewswire/ --

The International Ibsen Award [ ], one of the
world's most prestigious theatre prizes, is awarded for bringing a new artistic dimension
to the world of drama or theatre. The winner receives 2.5 million kroner (330,000 Euro).

(Photo: )

The jury says:

"Heiner Goebbels [ ] - creator of works for theatre,
theatre director, composer, musician, teacher and festival programmer - is one of the
great creative personalities of today.

He is responsible for an astounding body of work in disparate disciplines and has
exerted a profound influence on theatre practitioners and musicians.

His theatrical work extends from a large scale work for the opera house to an
installation for theatre without actors. Each piece is essentially different in character
and form and each is genuinely ground breaking. He is a true innovator and his works defy
conventional definition.

He has explored and expanded the relationship between theatre and music and in so
doing has developed the elements of theatre in a way that has opened up new insights and
possibilities. In this way he fulfills the fundamental purpose of theatre to widen our
experience of ourselves and of the world.

His work has been seen in over 50 different countries transforming the experience of
audiences and influencing a wide range of performing and creative artists.

The power and significance of his work will in the future increase and will influence
theatre and theatre making for the decades and generations to come."

About the winner:

Heiner Goebbels was born in Germany, 1952. He has composed and directed music theatre
since the 1990s. Some of his most famous works include Black on White, Max Black,
Eraritjaritjaka, Stifters Dinge, and Songs Of Wars I Have Seen. Most have been produced by
Theatre Vidy, Lausanne.

Heiner Goebbels is professor at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies of the
Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen, President of the Theatre Academy of Hesse, and artistic
director for RUHRTRIENNALE.

Notes to editors:

- The award ceremony takes place during the International Ibsen Festival
[ ]
at the National Theatre in Oslo 23/8 - 9/9. Eraritjaritjaka will be the
festival's finale.
- The Norwegian government funds the award.
- The award has previously been awarded to Peter Brook, Ariane Mnouchkine and
Jon Fosse.
- Henrik Ibsen was born in Skien, Norway on the 20th March 1828.

Contact: Stine Strachan
+47-95-91-17-99 /


Source: National Theatret / The International Ibsen Award

Profile: intent


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