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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Super Bowl(TM) and Other Big TV Event Ads Experience Dramatic Surge in Brand Awareness, Recall, Affinity and Recommendation When Supported by In-Cinema Runs

Super Bowl(TM) and Other Big TV Event Ads Experience Dramatic Surge in Brand Awareness, Recall, Affinity and Recommendation When Supported by In-Cinema Runs

Screenvision/Lieberman Research Study Shows 27% Increase in Brand Awareness and 41% Spike in Affinity when Big Event Spots Are Complemented with In-Cinema Advertising

NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- As creatives and media decision makers prepare to premiere expensive new commercials for 1Q 2012's big television events, the Super Bowl(TM), The Grammys(TM) and The Academy Awards(TM), a new research study is demonstrating how their across-the-board impact can be dramatically improved with a flight of cinema advertising. The findings come from a quantitative study from Lieberman Research, commissioned by Screenvision, a leading innovator in cinema advertising and alternative content programming.

The Screenvision/Lieberman Research study looked at two different groups exposed to the same Big Event TV ad, on television and in-cinema. An online survey was conducted in the 24-48 hours after the airing of the commercial during Super Bowl XLV(TM) in February 2011, with a nationally representative group of 1,001 adults, age 18+. A second, in-depth interviewer-administered survey was conducted with 297 respondents at theaters in the Los Angeles and Nashville DMAs which screened these same ads, in the weekend following Super Bowl XLV.

The results? The combination of a Big TV Event ad buy with cinema advertising delivereddouble-digit increases in ROI deemed metrics among the moviegoers who recalled the ads in both venues:

-- Brand Affinity, i.e. the overall opinion of the brand, +41%
-- Brand Awareness, +27%
-- Word-of-Mouth, i.e., likelihood of sharing positive opinions, +27%
-- Brand Recommendation, +13%
The study also demonstrated the unique power of showcasing showpiece Big Event TV commercials on theater screens:

-- The recall of respondents who were exposed to spots only in theaters was
12% higher than those who had only viewed the spots on TV
-- Cinema-only run out performed Big Event TV-only across the board -
-- +14% in Ad Likeability
-- + 21% in Ad Persuasiveness
-- +6% in Brand Consideration
-- +4% in Brand Opinion
-- 77% of respondents thought Super Bowl and other Big Event TV ads were a
good fit for cinema
-- Moviegoers enjoyed the Super Bowl ads more in the cinema environment, by
a margin of 17:1
"This study clearly demonstrates the unique power of cinema advertising and the role it plays in driving awareness, affinity, positive word of mouth and purchasing intent," said Mark Mitchell, Chief Revenue Officer of Screenvision. "It also dramatically reinforces the benefits that cinema delivers to amplify a Super Bowl, Grammys, Academy Awards and other Big Event TV investment."

Editor's Note: Full details of the Screenvision/Lieberman Research Big Event TV study are available upon request.

ABOUT SCREENVISION Headquartered in New York, N.Y., Screenvision is a national leader in cinema advertising, offering on-screen advertising, in-lobby promotions and integrated marketing programs to national, regional and local advertisers and providing comprehensive cinema advertising representation services for its theatrical exhibitor partners. The Screenvision cinema advertising network is comprised of over 15,000 screens in 2,400+ theatre locations across all 50 states and 94% of DMAs nationwide; delivering through more than 150 theatrical circuits, including 10 of the top 15 exhibitor companies. For more information:

ABOUT LIEBERMAN RESEARCH Since 1966, Lieberman Research Group (LRG) has dedicated itself to partnering with our clients to enable them to make better business decisions and meet their overall business goals. LRG has become one of the largest and fastest growing independent market research companies in the world by providing uncompromising quality service to our clients. We continue to expand the boundaries of market research by combining our extensive marketing knowledge and experience to continuously provide innovative and creative approaches helping us reach the next level in customer understanding. This allows us to provide our clients with the most actionable results to address their needs, while achieving the optimal return on investment in ever-changing and complex markets.

SOURCE Screenvision


CONTACT: CONTACT: Sal Cataldi, Cataldi PR, +1-212-244-9797,; or Caroline Kasabian, Screenvision, +1-212-497-0453,

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