Rebuilding Together Philadelphia and HGTV 'Change the World' for Local Veterans
Rebuilding Together Philadelphia and HGTV 'Change the World' for Local Veterans
Demolition and Project Work Starts May 29th!
WHAT: Rebuilding Together and HGTV will begin demolition and project work at the Pennsylvania American Legion Housing for Homeless Vets Corporation. The three-bedroom facility located on Romain Street in the historic Frankford District provides veterans with food, shelter and employment assistance after concluding military service. The 70-year old home will receive a kitchen remodel and new appliances, insulation, windows and renovations to a bathroom that will improve accessibility for disabled veterans.
At the Opening Ceremony & Press Conference, representatives from key partner organizations and elected officials will welcome the volunteers, launching the work day:
-- Carter Oosterhouse, HGTV Host -- Gary Officer, President, Rebuilding Together National Organization -- Terry D. Lewis, District Commander Pennsylvania American Legion Housing for Homeless Veterans Corporation -- Joe McCue, Veteran and Rebuilding Together Philadelphia homeowner -- Bernard Griggs, Jr., Building & Construction Trades Council -- Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez (confirmation pending) -- Mayor Michael A. Nutter -- State Representative Tony Payton
WHO: Rebuilding Together and HGTV - The HGTV Change the World. Start at Home(SM) is HGTV's community revitalization and environmental education campaign in partnership with Rebuilding Together, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
This campaign focuses on the revitalization of homes, educational facilities and public green spaces in communities across the country and provides opportunities for Americans to volunteer for community projects. In 2009, the campaign focus is the rehabilitation of America's historic veterans' community homes.
WHEN: May 29, 2009 - 7:30 a.m. Kickoff Filming will occur throughout the weekend.
WHERE: The Pennsylvania American Legion Housing for Homeless Vets Corporation located at 4245 Romain Street in Philadelphia, Pa. 19124.
CONTACT: Alan Sisco, Rebuilding Together, +1-412-841-3082,, or Jennifer Shropshire, Rebuilding Together Philadelphia, +1-215-280-0059
/PRNewswire-USNewswire -- May 29/
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