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International Entertainment News

Sunday, November 02, 2008

NO on Proposition 8 Asks Grassroots Supporters to Move Video Through Groundbreaking Online Community

NO on Proposition 8 Asks Grassroots Supporters to Move Video Through Groundbreaking Online Community

Largest online community created in California Political History

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Nov. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- In a final request to the enormous Web-based community that's skyrocketed around opposition to the discriminatory Proposition 8, the NO on 8 campaign today launched a 30-second video and called on supporters to share it widely with friends and family online.

The video, called "Parents," accurately portrays the conversations that have encircled this unfair initiative from the beginning. Says one mother: "I don't want my kids to grow up with discrimination. Or thinking it's okay to take away peoples' rights."

The online community response to defeating Proposition 8 has created the largest grassroots movement in California political history. Consider these facts:

-- The NO on 8 Facebook page now has more than 129,000 supporters over the course of less than a month when it was launched.

-- The NO on 8 online community has contacted more than 100,000 friends and family.

-- There have been more than three million views of NO on 8 videos online, with over one million from our YouTube channel.

-- Yesterday, YouTube ranked the NO on 8 channel as 41st in viewer hits, even eclipsing the Obama channel, which was ranked 47th.

-- In terms of online financial support, more than 72 percent of the donations to NO on 8 have come from California.

-- More than 60 percent of those 96,000-plus online contributions have been $100 or less.

In an email accompanying the video to supporters, Geoff Kors of the NO on 8 Executive Committee wrote: "This 30 second video speaks about what Prop 8 is really about: what kind of world we want each person and our children to live in -- one that is free from discrimination and intolerance. Everyone you know needs to see this video."

   The text of the video follows:    AD SCRIPT: PARENTS              VISUAL                               AUDIO    Shot of mother with baby, NO         First mother: "I don't want   on 8                                 my kids to grow up with                                        discrimination.  Or thinking                                        it's okay to take away                                        people's rights."    Cut to mother, NO on 8               Second mother: "I want our                                        kids to know that                                        discrimination is wrong. And                                        that Prop 8 is wrong."    Cut to family in playground,         Father: "I want our kids to   NO on 8                              know that we don't pass laws                                        that treat people                                        differently."    Cut to close-up of mother, NO        Third mother: "I want them to   on 8                                 know that we vote against                                        intolerance.  Because                                        California is better than                                        that."    Cut to close-up of first             First mother: "and that we   mother with baby, NO on 8            never, ever discriminate."    Cut to close-up of third             Third mother: "That's why   mother, NO on 8                      we're voting NO on Prop 8."    Cut to father of family in           Father: "NO on 8."   playground, NO on 8,   disclaimer    Cut to first mother with             First mother: "NO on 8."   baby, NO on 8, disclaimer     To view the ad, go to  

First Call Analyst:
FCMN Contact:

Source: NO on Prop 8

CONTACT: Ali Bay, +1-916-284-9187, or Julia Spiess, +1-916-601-8282, both
for NO on Prop 8

Web site:

NOTE TO EDITORS: Television producers and reporters looking for a broadcast quality version of the advertisement can go to: FTP Site Information: Cut and paste You will see a certificate error. Click "Continue to this website (not recommended)" to proceed. The next window you see will ask for the "User:" and "Password:" User: prop8public Password: pub!2008 (type in password rather than cut and paste) Upon entering the login information, select the prompt for the Basic Web Client and click "ok." Click on "TV" then "Parents" to see the ad. You will need to have Quicktime installed on the computer you are using to view the files.

Profile: International Entertainment


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