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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SRB Documentaries: Russia's Declining Population Overlooked Factor in Georgia War

SRB Documentaries: Russia's Declining Population Overlooked Factor in Georgia War

BOSTON, Aug. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Barry McLerran, producer of "Demographic Winter: the decline of the human family" (SRB Documentaries), said Russia's population crisis was the overlooked factor in its recent invasion of Georgia.

McLerran noted: "Russia has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, 1.17 children per woman. A nation needs a birth rate of 2.1 just to replace current population. Because of its low birth rate and early deaths -- due to disease and other factors -- Russia is losing approximately 750,000 people a year."

It's generally believed that Russia's current population of 144 million will fall to 115 million by 2050. But Murray Feshbach, with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, thinks Russia's population will drop to 101 million and could go as low as 77 million by mid-point in this century.

Russia is trying desperately to bolster its sagging birth rate. For every child that a family has after the first, the Russian government pays parents the equivalent of $9,200. There's even a "National Day of Conception." None of it seems to be working.

McLerran: "So, where does a nation with a plummeting birthrate find people? How will Russia hold the largest land mass of any country in the world with a population of 115 million -- or 77 million? Where will it get the labor to fuel its economy and man its defenses?"

One answer is territorial expansion that will incorporate other populations into the nation.

Putin has made it clear that he considers the breakup of the Soviet Union a tragedy. Prior to 1991, the Ukraine and Georgia were part of Russia.

Many observers believe Putin's endgame is not just to seize Georgia (with a population of 4.6 million), but, more importantly, the Ukraine, with 46 million people -- thus increasing Russia's current population by 40% in one fell swoop.

McClerran comments: "Doubtless, Moscow would also benefit from the thriving economies of Georgia and the Ukraine as well. Georgia's economy increased by 12% in 2007, while the Ukraine's grew by 7%."

"But what oil-rich Russia needs now, more than anything else, is more people. This may be a significant factor driving its adventurism in the Caucuses."

"Demographic Winter: the decline of the human family" is the first documentary on the calamitous consequences of the worldwide fall of birth rates." Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, says, "'Demographic Winter' is a timely account of a crisis we cannot ignore."

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Source: SRB Documentaries

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