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International Entertainment News

Sunday, August 24, 2008

American Leadership Project Launches New Radio Ads in Colorado During Democratic National Convention Week

American Leadership Project Launches New Radio Ads in Colorado During Democratic National Convention Week

DENVER, Aug. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The American Leadership Project (ALP) today announced it is airing two new radio advertisements - one in English and one in Spanish - across Colorado calling for real solutions to America's energy crisis.

The ads, entitled "More Money, More Problems" focus on the struggle Colorado's middle class families face to make ends meet contrasted with the record profits enjoyed by Big Oil companies. (Full text of advertisements below.)

The 60-second radio spots will air in English and Spanish in Denver, Colorado Springs and Grand Junction media markets beginning today through the end of the Democratic National Convention on August 29th. The ads can be previewed at

The ALP is an unincorporated association organized under section 527 of the IRS code, dedicated to highlighting issues of importance to the American middle class, such the economy, jobs, the rising cost of health care, and the mortgage crisis. It is our intention to communicate issue-specific messages during the Presidential election in states where these issues have maximum resonance.

The ALP will not and does not coordinate with a candidate or a candidate's committee.

   RADIO: More Money, More Problems (:60)     (News clips)    "Gas prices across Colorado exceeded the four-dollar per-gallon mark..."   

"Exxon/Mobil reported the biggest quarterly profit ever by a corporation..."

   "Demonstrators in Denver today rallied against big oil profits..."    (VO)   

With Colorado families are struggling to make ends meet, Big Oil companies are enjoying record profits.

   The John McCain solution?    More money for big oil. More problems for us.   

McCain wants to drill along our coastline, which experts say won't produce oil until 2018.

But he's repeatedly opposed incentives for proven renewable energies like wind and solar power.

McCain voted against requiring Big Oil to invest their windfall profits in clean energy and new jobs.

But he supports a $4 billion tax break for America's five richest oil companies.

That's not a path to energy independence.

Call John McCain at 202-224-2235 and tell him Coloradans need real solutions to America's energy crisis.


Paid for by the American Leadership Project, which is responsible for its content, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

   8/21/08   "More Money, More Problems" (:60)   SPANISH     (Locutores)   

"Los precios de gasolina en Colorado exceden los cuatro dolares por galon..."

"Exxon/Mobil reporto este trimestre las ganancias mas amplias de cualquier corporacion..."

"Manifestantes en Denver, protestaron hoy en contra de las companias petroleras..."


Las familias de Colorado a penas pueden con el costo de vida, mientras las companias petroleras disfrutan ganancias sin precedentes.

Cual es la solucion de John McCain?

Apoya la exploracion petrolera a lo largo de las costas, que no produciria petroleo hasta el 2018.

Pero se opone a incentivos de energia renovable, como energia solar y de viento.

McCain voto en contra de exigir que las companias petroleras invirtieran sus ganancias inesperadas en energias alternativas y nuevos trabajos.

Apoya una deduccion fiscal de $4 mil millones para las 5 companias petroleras mas grandes.

Ese no es el camino a la independencia energetica.

Llame a John McCain al 202-224-2235 y digale que en Colorado necesitamos soluciones verdaderas a la crisis energetica.

Pagado por el American Leadership Project, que es responsable por su contenido, no autorizado por ningun candidato o sus comites.

Source: American Leadership Project

CONTACT: Roger Salazar, +1-916-284-1255, for American Leadership

Web site:

Profile: International Entertainment


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