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International Entertainment News

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New TV and Radio Spots Promote Adoption of Teens, Sibling Groups, Kids With Disabilities

New TV and Radio Spots Promote Adoption of Teens, Sibling Groups, Kids With Disabilities

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., July 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp today unveiled a series of statewide English and Spanish television spots promoting the benefits of public adoption. The spots are part of Governor Charlie Crist's "Explore Adoption" initiative, a statewide public awareness campaign aimed at finding permanent homes for children who often wait the longest -- those who are older than age 8, African American, part of a sibling group or have a physical or emotional disability.

In one spot, a ticking clock punctuates the silence as a middle-aged husband and wife gaze at each other across a bland dinner table. "House grown too quiet?" asks the narrator. The answer, "Add kids." That's the message aimed at changing the way people think of adoption and encouraging them to consider adopting a teenager, disabled child or sibling group.

"We have experienced parents with grown kids who have more to give and who aren't done being parents," said Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp. "When people hear the word adoption, they think babies. These ads aim to reframe that mindset to showcase the benefits of adopting older kids."

The spots intentionally feature older parents, empty nesters and single parents in an effort to find homes for the children in care who typically wait the longest for adoptive families.

"The spots are different in that they lead with the benefits to the parents, rather than the needs of the kids," said Jim Kallinger, Florida's chief child advocate. "When we talk to adoptive parents, a common theme we hear is how fulfilling the experience has been despite all the challenges."

Another spot features a father's flashback when his wife brings up the topic of having more children. After he recalls a baby flinging food, the wife shows her husband a teenager featured on the State's searchable Web site,, who likes football "just like you."

"Helping a teenager get off to a good start in life or making it possible for brothers and sisters to grow up together has got to be one of the most rewarding things you can do with your life," said Department of Children and Families Secretary Bob Butterworth. "We want to challenge people to consider making this their life's greatest legacy."

The television spots -- five in English, three in Spanish -- and four radio spots in English and Spanish will begin airing statewide this month on network affiliate and cable television and radio stations. All can be viewed at the "Explore Adoption" Web site,

At any given time, 1,000 children in care are seeking an adoptive home. Launched in May, the Governor's "Explore Adoption" initiative aims to find permanent homes for these children.

For additional information on public adoption and the "Explore Adoption" initiative, visit or call 1-800-96-ADOPT.

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Source: Florida Governor Charlie Crist's Press Office

CONTACT: Governor's Press Office, +1-850-488-5394

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