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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Discovery Channel/NASA Archive Capitol Hill Presentation Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Discovery Channel/NASA Archive Capitol Hill Presentation Tuesday, May 6, 2008

   1) VNR Feed parameters:       NASA Press Conference VNR      05/06/08      13:00 - 13:15 EDT + 15 Approx      15:00 - 15:15 EDT + 15 Approx       Galaxy 11 / Transponder 19 (Slot "A")      C- Band      Downlink Frequency: 4066.5 Mhz Horizontal      Data Rate: 10.595      Symbol rate: 6.898021      FEC: 5/6    2) What's On This Clip Reel:       Clip #1      -- Rare footage of Gemini astronauts including Jim McDivitt, Frank         Borman and Jim Lovell training aboard the aptly named Vomit Comet.      -- Gemini training meant that astronauts had to be trained for         weightlessness while still performing important tasks.      -- This one will speak for itself with behind the scenes feel of         camaraderie.       Clip #2      -- Gemini 4 -- Astronaut Ed White's space walk seen for the first time         in HD.      -- We can see with amazing clarity the colors of the Earth behind him         as he floats outside the capsule, every detail of his suit and the         glinting of his golden tether.       Clip #3      -- Gemini 6 + 7 -- First rendezvous in space: remarkable space-to-Earth         footage tracking a Polaris missile sent up by mission control to         test exactly what astronauts can see from space.      -- Extraordinary audio between mission control and astronauts as they         discuss what they can and can't see.      -- The HD onboards allow us to see in detail the process of rendezvous         and docking in space.      -- Two of the key procedures needed to be successfully completed if         NASA were ever to land a man on the moon.      -- It's pure Star Wars with the glinting silver space ships approaching         each other.      -- Worth noting -- All these onboards were filmed by the astronauts         themselves.    Please contact:   Josh Weinberg for any questions --   240.328.3988 CELL/  

PRNewswire -- May 6

Source: Discovery Channel

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