Hancock World Premiere Trailer Debut
Hancock World Premiere Trailer Debut
BURBANK, California, December 17/PRNewswire/ --
There are heroes ... there are superheroes ... and then there's Hancock (Will Smith). With great power comes great responsibility -- everyone knows that -- everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood, Hancock's well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but always seem to leave jaw-dropping damage in their wake. The public has finally had enough -- as grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn't the kind of man who cares what other people think -- until the day that he saves the life of PR executive Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), and the sardonic superhero begins to realize that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be Hancock's greatest challenge yet -- and a task that may prove impossible as Ray's wife, Mary (Charlize Theron), insists that he's a lost cause.
SATELLITE INFORMATION Europe 1st Feed: Date: 19th December 2007 Time: 2100-2115 GMT 2nd Feed: Date: 20th December 2007 Time: 0600-0615 GMT Satellite: Eutelsat W1 TXP B4 CH-3 Downlink Frequency: 11097.5 V pol FEC: 3/4 Symbol: 5.632 Color: PAL Uplink: Arqiva Winchester +44-(0)-1962-823000 Also available at BT Tower from Pacific Television Center's ABQH03 UK broadcasters can call Pactv London for complementary refeeds via Tower. +44-207-702-1427 ASIA/PACIFIC 1st Feed: Date: 19th December 2007 Time: 2100-2115 GMT 2nd Feed: Date: 20th December 2007 Time: 0100-0115 GMT Satellite: IS-2/08C CH 4 Orb Loc: 169' E; Downlink Freq: 3901Mhz Horizontal; FEC: 3/4; Symbol Rate (Ms/s): 30.80; Virtual Channel: 4; Network Id: 1; Color: NTSC Uplink: Intelsat NAPA +707-253-9466 LATIN AMERICA 1st Feed: Date: 19th December 2007 Time: 2100-2115 GMT 2nd Feed: Date: 20th December 2007 Time: 0900-0915 Satellite: IS-9/10C CH7 Orb Loc: 58'W Downlink Freq: 3880Mhz Horizontal; FEC: 7/8; Symbol Rate (Ms/s): 27.69; Virtual Channel: 7; Network Id: 5002; Color: NTSC Uplink: Intelsat NAPA +707-253-9466 This film is not yet rated by the MPAA. For more information regarding the feeds or to request a hardcopy, please contact: Black Diamond Media, Inc. / +1-310-451-5500
Source: Columbia Pictures
Black Diamond Media, Inc., +1-310-451-5500
Profile: International Entertainment
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