Online News Association Annual Conference Is Not to Be Missed
Online News Association Annual Conference Is Not to Be Missed
NEW YORK, Aug. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading digital journalists, bloggers and educators from around the world will gather to discuss the practical and the possible in online journalism during the eighth annual conference of the Online News Association (ONA), to be held Oct. 17-19, 2007, in Toronto.
The conference will feature super-panels, workshops and hands-on training. Participants will glean skills and information that will enrich newsrooms, transform classrooms and further the goals of those wanting to tell stories and create communities on the Web.
"There are conferences for Web strategists and advertisers, technical people and publishers, but as far as I know only the Online News Association focuses on Internet information and journalism for journalists," said Leonard Apcar, deputy managing editor, International Herald Tribune and ONA board member.
The conference is aimed at new and veteran Web journalists, bloggers and executives charged with growing the bottom line. It is structured around three tracks: community and convergence, content and design, and business.
The Community and Convergence track will sort out the nuts and bolts of how to build a strong online community and use cutting-edge software to tell stories in new ways. Community news experts, including Rob Curley and JD Lasica, will give attendees insight on how to become community evangelists. The brightest minds from, CBC News and will show how broadcasters can rule online news.
The Content and Design track will focus on how best to create and package content for the Web. Each panel in the content and design track will spur the audience to think of new ways to engage their online audiences and ask questions about what lies ahead for interactive experiences. Panel attendees will come away with specific tips and tricks to be used immediately, as well as ideas for future projects.
The Business Track will focus on emerging technologies and publishing trends and will feature speakers who have innovated tools that can be applied to online news sites. The future of advertising, monetization and staffing will be addressed, as will the new legal challenges facing digital news production.
"So much of what will determine the future of journalism is happening online today, and there's no better way to keep up with the latest trends than by attending the only all-digital journalism conference," explains Jim Brady, executive editor and vice president,
In addition to the three tracks, additional workshops are happening on Wednesday, Oct. 17. Come hone your skills on Flash, video shooting and citizen media. Join representatives from the Knight Foundation and learn about the Knight News Challenge, meet this year's winners, and find out more about deadlines and requirements for the next competition.
The conference capstone will take place on the evening of Oct. 19, when the Online Journalism Awards are announced.
Conference details, including descriptions of panels, workshops and speakers, can be found on the 2007 ONA Conference Web site (
Register online ( for the conference and awards banquet. The early bird conference fee for ONA members is $399. Early bird registration lasts until Sept. 16. After Sept. 16, the fee will be $449 for ONA members. The non-member rate is $549, regardless of registration date.
Reserve your hotel room by Sept. 16 to get the ONA discount rate: The Sheraton Centre, Toronto, is offering conference attendees a rate of $191 ($229 CAD) a night. After Sept. 16, regular rates are in effect. Reserve rooms online ( or call (416) 361-1000. When calling, mention the ONA conference to receive the discounted rate.
**A passport is required for U.S. citizens traveling by air to Canada.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available.
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Source: Online News Association
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