'Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct'
'Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct'
Andy Martin Attacks Kupcinet Purple Heart Foundation Cruise as a 'Democratic Party Whitewash,' Asks Department of Defense to End 'Support'
Martin Says 'Token Republican' on Cruise Committee Shows Democrats Are Using-and Abusing-America's Veterans to Cover Democratic Party Perfidiousness
Martin Attacks WMAQ-TV, WBBM-TV, WLS-AM for 'Sponsoring' an 'Antiwar Democrat Love Fest'
CHICAGO, July 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Chicago-based U. S. Senate candidate, Internet journalist, broadcaster and media critic Andy Martin will hold a news conference Wednesday, July 11th at 1:00 P.M. to announce that he has asked the U. S. Secretary of Defense to withdraw DOD support for the Kupcinet Purple Heart Cruise.
"This so-called 'nonpartisan' foundation has a token Republican on its cruise committee, and it larded with antiwar Democrats. Dick Durbin, Barack Obama, Jan Schakowsky and other left-wing types," Martin will charge, see http://www.kphf.us/cruise_committee.html.
"And instead of investigating and reporting this political perfidiousness and abuse of our wounded troops, WMAQ-TV, WBBM-TV and WLS-AM are supporting the Democrats' extravaganza.
"I have been on battlefields around the world and I cannot imagine what it would be like to be seriously wounded. But if I were a wounded veteran I would be disgusted at being used by antiwar Democrats as a photo op to 'show their support for the troops.' I would spit on these politicians.
"When these liberals could have shown support for the troops last month, the Democrats voted 'no.' Now they want to use veterans as a backdrop to cover their own two-faced hostility to our military.
"Barry Obama wants to substitute 'hope' for bullets in our arsenal; Jan Schakowsky wants to reduce the U. S. Army to water pistols and pea shooters. And Dick Durbin called our men and women in uniform 'Nazis.' Hillary Clinton was in the White House when Bill let Osama Bin Laden slip through our hands.
"I appeal to Secretary Gates, to President Bush and to every honorable veterans' organization in America, to condemn this gross abuse of our wounded men and women by antiwar Democrats in Chicago. Write your representative in Congress; ask them to stop DOD from sponsoring this farce. Call WLS and protest.
"Kupcinet & Co. could have asked Republicans to join as sponsors. Speaker Dennis Hastert comes readily to mind. But they added a 'fig leaf Republican;' the rest of the 'non-partisan committee' is composed of liberal Democrats and union reps. Why?
"Dick Durbin, friend of our fighting men and women? Jan Schakowsky? Barry Obama? Please.
"And the media? What have they reported about this obviously politically biased 'cruise?' Nothing. They are marching in lockstep with the antiwar Democrats. And TV executives wonder why their 'news' has no credibility with the public. WLS? How much time have they devoted to exposing this scandal? Probably none. Another embarrassment.
"It is obviously possible to be against the war in Iraq and support our fighting men and women. I fall into that category. But Durbin, Schakowsky and Obama want to denude our defenses and render America helpless. Our brave men and women in the armed forces, who believed in and trusted our institutions and our Constitution more than the political class, should not be exploited by liberal Democrats with the 'support' of DOD.
"Republicans and Democrats let our troops down when the politicians marched off to war in a manner reminiscent of levity at the start of World War I. Their children were not on the front lines. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of incompetence, mismanagement and duplicity in the way they handled Iraq.
"On this issue, at least, I agree with former Senator John Edwards; there are 'two Americas;' the loyal Americans in our military who trusted the judgment of our leaders. And the antiwar Democrats that helped create the conditions for the disaster in Iraq."
NEWS CONFERENCE DETAILS: WHO: U. S. Senate candidate/Internet journalist/editor/critic Andy Martin WHERE: Southeast corner of Wabash and Huron Streets, Chicago, (St. James Cathedral) WHEN: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 1:00 P.M. WHAT: Andy Martin MEDIA CONTACT: (312) 440-4124 WEBSITE: ContrarianCommentary.com E-MAIL: AndyforUSSenator@aol.com ------------------------------------------
Chicago-based Internet journalist, broadcaster and media critic Andy Martin is the Executive Editor and publisher of ContrarianCommentary.com. (C) Copyright by Andy Martin 2007. Martin covers national and world politics with forty years of personal experience. Martin served as a Baghdad Bureau Chief in 2003. Columns also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com. Comments? E-mail: AndyMart20@aol.com. Media contact: (866) 706-2639. Web sites: ContrarianCommentary.com; AndyforUSSenator.com.
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Source: Andy Martin
CONTACT: Andy Martin, +1-866-706-2639, AndyMart20@aol.com
Web site: http://www.andymartin.com/
Profile: International Entertainment
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