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International Entertainment News

Monday, July 09, 2007

American Values Urges FCC to Approve SIRIUS-XM Merger

American Values Urges FCC to Approve SIRIUS-XM Merger

In a Letter to the FCC, President Gary Bauer Applauds Efforts of SIRIUS and XM to Empower Consumer Choice

WASHINGTON, July 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- American Values today called on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to approve the proposed merger between SIRIUS Satellite Radio (NASDAQ:SIRI) and XM Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: XMSR) , highlighting the combined company's "block and rebate" offering and its benefit to American families.

"Especially important to our membership is the commitment the parties have made to issue refunds to satellite radio subscribers who choose to block adult-themed programming," said American Values President Gary Bauer, in his letter to the FCC. "Like so many people, the majority of our members do not want their children and families exposed to programming they may find indecent or offensive."

With all of the indecent and violent programming bombarding American families today, American Values applauds the efforts by XM and SIRIUS to empower consumers who want to avoid such content. The merger will benefit consumers by giving listeners more control when it comes to programming content. Subscribers who are not interested in satellite radio's adult-themed programming would have the ability to opt out of certain channels, as they currently do, but would receive a credit for those channels they blocked so as not to subsidize the programming they found offensive.

The merger will also benefit consumers by making satellite radio a stronger player in the audio marketplace. Not surprisingly, satellite radio competitors like traditional AM/FM radio are keen to block the merger, claiming it would create a monopoly that would have an unchecked ability to harm consumers. This argument, many experts believe, is based more on competitive fears than any realistic assessment of the audio entertainment market.

"We believe that incumbent competitors should be forced to respond to this consumer-oriented merger by making their own service offerings more attractive, and should not be able to simply obstruct advances in the marketplace in order to serve their self-interests," added Bauer.

American Values serves as a key voice for those interested in protecting the core values of life, marriage, family, faith and freedom. The SIRIUS-XM merger will make satellite radio a more appealing choice for its members and consumers as a whole.

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Source: SIRIUS Satellite Radio

CONTACT: Kristi Hamrick of American Values, +1-571-244-6324

Profile: International Entertainment


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