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International Entertainment News

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

'Wal-Mart, It's Just Not American Anymore' TV-Ad Campaign Slams Wal-Mart and China for Weakening America

'Wal-Mart, It's Just Not American Anymore' TV-Ad Campaign Slams Wal-Mart and China for Weakening America Officially Launches New TV-Ad Campaign Today in Over 20 States Across the South & Midwest

Million Dollar 'Summer Southern Blitz' on Wal-Mart & China Begins Just as Congress Begins to Debate Tough New Trade Measures on China

WASHINGTON, June 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today,, America's campaign to change Wal-Mart, officially launches its "Wal-Mart, It's Just Not American Anymore" nationwide TV-ad campaign that will highlight how Wal-Mart's close business and political relationship with China has helped make China and Wal-Mart stronger while weakening America.

The new ad campaign from is the first part of a $1 million "Summer Southern Blitz" TV-ad campaign. The 3-month "Summer Southern Blitz" campaign will, through a series of hard-hitting new ads and grassroots actions, focus entirely on how Wal-Mart, as the #1 importer of Chinese goods, has helped strengthen China's economy while costing America's economy good jobs and its competitive advantage.

The new ad, which starts airing today, begins with an image of Sam Walton and an American flag waving in the background with the announcer stating, "Sam Walton's Wal-Mart was an American company. But something has changed." The ad goes on to state that "as our trade deficit grows and good paying middle class American jobs are shipped overseas, Wal-Mart and China get stronger. ... America gets weaker." The ad ends with the powerful line, "Wal-Mart, it's just not American anymore."

"Wal-Mart pretends it believes in America, but no company has done more than Wal-Mart to strengthen China and weaken America. The time has come for every American -- Republican, Democrat, and Independent -- to demand that Wal- Mart stop making China stronger at the expense of American jobs and America's economy," said Paul Blank, Campaign Director for's new ad campaign begins just as the U.S. Congress prepares to debate a series of tough new legislative proposals that seek to address China's overt manipulation of its currency, America's exploding trade deficit, and the loss of American manufacturing jobs because of China's unfair trade practices. Just today, for example, Sen. Chris Dodd (CT) and Sen. Richard Shelby (AL) introduced new legislation giving the U.S. Treasury stronger tools to confront China's currency practices.

As part of this new campaign, and in an effort to pressure Members of Congress to address how China and Wal-Mart are hurting America, is also mobilizing its 373,600 grassroots supporters in a major legislative push to pressure their elected representatives to stand up to China and Wal-Mart, and support tough new legislative measures that will help protect American jobs and America's economy.

The initial phase of the "Wal-Mart, It's Just Not American Anymore" ad campaign will air in over 20 states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa, Louisiana, North Carolina, Missouri, and over 30 media markets.

   A copy of the ad script "It's Just Not American" is attached below.    TV-AD SCRIPT: "It's Just Not American"    Sam Walton's Wal-Mart was an American company.   But something's changed.   Today, Wal-Mart is the #1 importer of Chinese goods.  

Wal-Mart drives American companies to shut down plants and move manufacturing to China.

And, everyday, as our trade deficit grows and good paying middle class American jobs are shipped overseas, Wal-Mart and China get stronger ... America gets weaker.

   Wal-Mart.  It's just not American anymore.   Go to and tell Wal-Mart it's time to be American again. is leading the national campaign to change Wal-Mart into a more responsible employer and company. Already, over 373,600 Americans have joined the campaign and have helped make one of the fastest growing grassroots movements in the nation.


CONTACT: Chris Kofinis of, +1-202-486-6422

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Profile: International Entertainment


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