Second Life Provides Virtual Empowerment for Independent Live Music
Second Life Provides Virtual Empowerment for Independent Live Music
NYC Indie band Buddahead and present the ultimate virtual reality concert. Buddahead will play live at NYC's The Canal Room on May 10th (doors open at 8PM EST). The show will be streamed live to the Morpheum Sim in Second Life and then streamed back from Second Life onto plasma screens at The Canal Room, fully bridging the gap between reality and virtual reality.
NEW YORK, May 7 /PRNewswire/ -- On May 10th, Buddahead ( will play a live set of new music from their upcoming sophomore release at The Canal Room, one of Manhattan's first broadband wired clubs. The live audio and video streams from the concert will be streamed into Second Life. Second Life attendees can watch both live video footage of the show and the band's avatars.
"Second Life is an amazing tool for indie music. Rather than dealing with company executives or finding a vendor location to present new music, you can build and develop your own distribution method to thousands of new listeners," says Nexeus Fatale, a Second Life DJ (
The Second Life aspect of this show is taking place on the Morpheum Sim, a Second Life island owned by Morpheus Media ( and created by The Vesuvius Group (, an international collective of techy-creatives working together in Second Life. Morpheus Media, an Interactive New Media Agency with clients such as The New York Times and A&E Television Networks is backing the event as a case study of how to use emerging technologies in creative marketing.
"Though not a new concept, social media is beginning to be realized to a much larger degree in light of the growing appeal of 3D virtual spaces such as Second Life" says Adam Broitman, Director of Emerging Technologies at Morpheus Media."
"The greatest reason for taking part in Second Life or other emerging platforms is simply that it allows closer interaction with fans without any corporate involvement," Buddahead frontman Kia explained. "Besides, now I can have an avatar that is much cooler than me!" he added.
Buddahead will be joined on May 10th by Shock Radar, another NYC indie band and Ray Ellin, co-founder of comedy site Daily Comedy ( The event is sponsored by (, the lifestyle website that help members "Get More" and discover the best NYC has to offer.
CONTACT: Jackie Saril Squeakywheel Promotions 914.393.7043
CONTACT: Jackie Saril, Squeakywheel Promotions,, +1-914-393-7043
Web site:
Profile: International Entertainment
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